Wednesday, May 21, 2014


James Scott Trimm

Well once again the RINOs are intent on committing party suicide, and its time for an intervention…. again. 

I want to make it clear that there is not an anti-Hispanic bone in my body.  My wife’s maiden name is “Valencia,” she is half-Hispanic and we have been married for well over twenty years, so I have no animosity whatsoever toward Hispanics.  The issue I want to address is not about race, but about legal immigration vs. illegal immigration.

The RINOS are intent on some form of amnesty for illegal aliens.  This would instantly create millions of new Democrat/Liberal voters and very likely transform Texas from a solid red state into a blue state.

Liberals are drawling at the possibility that they might actually get RINOS to hand them the state of Texas on a silver platter.  Texas is a solidly red state.  No Democrat has won a statewide election in Texas since 1994.  For over twenty years our real election has been the Republican nominations and the general election has been a mere formality.  All of that would almost certainly change overnight if illegal aliens were given amnesty. 

You may notice that I have used the term “illegal aliens” and not the politically correct “new speak” term “undocumented immigrants”.  Folks, if illegal aliens are “undocumented immigrants” then drug dealers ore nothing more than “unlicensed pharmacists”!  

And rest assured, any form of amnesty or legal status, even if it is not called “citizenship” will surely lead to giving these persons the right to vote, even if a “deal” is crafted that specifically says that they will have no such right.  That is because the liberal federal courts, stacked with Obama appointees, will certainly rule that such a deal would be essentially creating two classes of citizens and thus unconstitutional.  The courts would then almost certainly give these persons the right to vote.  Democrats know this, it has long been their strategy to use the executive and judicial branches to cram their agenda down our throat, regardless of what the people vote for, regardless of the laws passed by the legislative branch, and in complete disregard for the balance of powers.

The fact is that sneaking into our country should not make you an American, any more than breaking into my house makes you a member of my family.

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