Friday, May 23, 2014

If the Second Amendment were any Other “Right”….

If the Second Amendment were any Other “Right”….
James Scott Trimm

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the right to bear arms, so I thought it would be helpful to compare the way we treat the right to bear arms right, to the way other rights (or so-called “rights”) are treated.  When we do so, I think you will see that a certain hypocrisy becomes obvious.

Lets begin with an apocryphal pseudo-right, the right to an education.  (This is not a true “right” if one understands what a “right” actually is, but that is a whole different blog). 

If the right to bear arms was treated like the so-called right to an education, we would not only be allowed to own a fire arm, we would be required to own one, and if we could not afford a fire arm, one would be provided for us by the state.

What if the right to bear arms was treated like the pseudo-right to healthcare that liberals speak so often about?  Imagine not only being required to own a fire arm, but having to buy one that met certain government standards and being fined (or taxed) if you could not prove on your taxes that you owned one.

Now lets compare the right to bear arms to our first amendment rights.

What if our first amendment rights were treated the way our second amendment rights are as a matter of routine?

Imagine if you could only wear a “What Would Jesus Do?” T-shirt if you had a license, and then only if the t-shirt is concealed?  How would that go over?  We seem to accept this treatment of the right to bear arms, when we would never accept the same treatment of our first amendment rights.

And what does “infringed” mean?  A fringe is the border of something.  To infringe on something is to intrude even on the furthest border of something,  This word implies that the founders intended this right to be given the broadest possible application, and they certainly never intended this right to mean that we must conceal our firearms.

Part of the value of bearing arms is the principle of peace through strength.  Reagan won the cold war by applying this principle.  But would Reagan have accomplished anything if we had tried to conceal the fact that we had arms from the Soviet Union? Of course not!

Folks, it is high time that we started demanding that our second amendment rights be treated the same way that our first amendment rights are treated!

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