Tuesday, November 16, 2021

New TV Ad Calls for Klick's Resignation Over Child Gender Mutilation Issue




A new TV ad from the Conservative Response Team is calling for Stephanie Klick's resignation because Klick killed the only bill which would have made gender modification of a child outright illegal in Texas!  You can view the ad, which is now running on TV, below:


In a recent blog, I wrote:

Klick never even gave s hearing to House Bill 68 which would have made gender modification of a child outright illegal in Texas.   Her office was flooded with calls from the public asking that this bill be given a hearing, but she ignored them all.   


The Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 1646 which also would have outlawed gender modification of children, but guess what?  That Bill was held up in Klick's committee too.  She also never even gave it a hearing.  

There was one very weak bill, House Bill 1399, which would not have actually outlawed gender modification of children, but which would have effectively banned insurance companies from providing liability insurance to doctors who performed such procedures.  Klick let this bill sit for 40 days in here committee!  Finally she gave it a token hearing when enough time had passed that it could be killed in the Calendars Committee.  

(See my recent blog Rino Stephanie Klick Blocked Bills to Protect Children from Gender Mutilation! )

In a recent episode of the Luke  Macias Show, Luke Macias pulls the curtain back and explains how Chairman Stephanie Klick killed legislation that would have ended the barbaric practice of genital mutilation and chemical castration of Texas children (as seen below)

And in another recent blog, I showed how Klick's campaign received money from PACs associated with the clinics that perform these draconian procedures, as well as from the the Pharmaceutical company that manufactures Lupron,  a manufactured version of a hormone used as part of transgender hormone therapy, and as a hormone blocker given to children.  

(See my recent blog Stephanie Klick Sent Children to Castration for Campaign Money! )

Stephanie Klick is my State Representative (I live in her district).  

My Precinct Chair for my Precinct (3527), Mary Childs, is endorsing Stephanie Klick.  When I reached out to Mary Childs on the issue, she replied "I am backing Stephanie so take me off your list. "

I replied:


You are not on any list that I maintain.  I contacted you because you are my precinct chair.  I am one of your constituents.   Are you saying that you do not wish to hear from your constituents?

James Trimm
That was way back on October 5th, and she has never replied.
At this point I am announcing my candidacy for Tarrant County Precinct Chair for Precinct 3527!