Saturday, April 2, 2022

Texas Right to Life Goes Full RINO!!

Parody Logo used by permission, courtesy of Current Revolt.

Texas Right to Life Goes Full RINO!
James Scott Trimm

Much has happened since I wrote my recent blog Lowe vs. Klick: Is there a Constitutional Right to an Abortion?  If you have not already read that blog, you should, as it will explain a lot about the changes that have been taking place in the Pro-Life movement in recent years.

As many of you know, I have been a Pro-Life activist for many years!  In fact back in 2015 I was the subject of a Texas Scorecard article Metroplex Pro-Lifer Praises Stickland, Slams TAL.  

And I have always been a big supporter of Texas Right to Life.  This is why it has been so hard for me to see the decline of an organization I have so loved and supported, which has now gone full RINO.
Over the years, Texas Right to Life has come to embrace the philosophy of "working within the framework of Roe vs Wade" to regulate rather than actually abolish abortion.  This essentially means accepting the idea that there actually is a Constitutional right to an abortion, and working within those parameters to reduce abortions rather than abolishing abortion.  A full explanation of this is found in my recent blog Lowe vs. Klick: Is there a Constitutional Right to an Abortion?
With the recent hostile takeover of Texas Right to Life by new leadership as exposed recently by Current Revolt. (See: Current Revolt; TROUBLE INSIDE TEXAS RIGHT TO LIFE? and BREAKING: 51 PEOPLE FILE SUIT AGAINST TEXAS RIGHT TO LIFE The new Texas Right to Life has gone full RINO.  

Texas Right to Life is now campaigning hard for RINO Stepahie Klick.  How big of a RINO is Stephanie Klick?  Well they don't get much bigger.

Stephanie Klick is a five term incumbent and Committee Chair for Phelan.  Klick is a Phelan lapdog, who has used her position as a Chair to kill three Texas GOP Priority Legislative items in the past two sessions!  In the 86th Legislative session, she killed the Election Integrity Bill and in the 87the Legislative session, she killed the bills to protect children from gender modification and killed the bill to abolish abortion thru equal protection for the unborn.  Klick also voted to give powerful chairmanships to Democrats, who used those positions to kill even more Republican bills!   Klick's voting record has gone from a 99 when she was first elected to a score of just 54 in the last session!  She even voted to limit gun rights in Texas and reduce the penalty for voter fraud, from a felony down to a misdemeanor!
In fact Stephanie Klick is such a Dade Phelan lapdog that he has donated $134,000 to her campaign, far more than to any other House member!  
Texas Right to Life has gone so far in their support for this RINO that they recently published a very dishonest article blasting her very pro-life abolitionist opponent, decorated combat veteran David Lowe!  The article is titled  Republican Candidate Brags He’ll “Vote NO to any Pro-Life Bill”
In fact the statement in question was taken from an interview by a Pro-Life Abolitionist organization Free the States on their podcast.  In the statement Lowe, who is very pro-life, is talking about the "Pro-Life" bills that have essentially acknowledged that there is a Constitutional right to an abortion, and sought to regulate rather than to abolish abortion.  Lowe stopped in the middle of a thought, and then continued.  His more complete statement was: "I am willing to stand on the House floor and vote no to any Pro-Life bill... [pause, as thought is interrupted] the only thing that we need to do is abolish abortion."  You can see the statement in context of the whole interview here.

In the context of the interview, Lowe was saying that he was willing to vote against so-called "Pro-Life" bills that acknowledge and codify into Texas law. that there is a constitutional right to an abortion.  Anyone who listens to the whole interview can see that David Lowe is actually more pro-life than Texas Right to Life is comfortable with!  Texas Right to Life's partial, out of context quote, is a new low for an organization that has fallen into the pits of Hell!  

Then later in the dishonest TRTL article, Texas Right to Life outright lies about RINO Stephanie Klick, saying: "As chairwoman, Klick passed every Pro-Life priority bill out of her committee"  
This is an outright lie!  The only pro-life bill that was a GOP legislative priority was (and I quote from the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities for the 87th session):

"Abolition of Abortion
Abolish abortion by ensuring the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization."

The only bill that met this criteria was HB3326 which Stephanie Klick, as chair of the committee, refused to even give a hearing, single handedly killing it.  The GOP had only eight legislative priorities, and this was the *only* Pro-Life bill called for by those priorities.  

Klick actually blocked HB3326!


This is an outright lie from Texas Right to Life, their behavior is shameful!  Here is the link to the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities to prove they have lied!

This is not the Texas Right to life I once supported! 
Unfortunately that Texas Right to Life no longer exists.  It has been replaced with a RINO establishment machine.  
Texas new "Real" Pro-Life organization is Abolish Abortion Texas!

1. Help David Lowe defeat Stephanie Klick (if you don't live in district 91, then donate to Lowe's campaign and/or volunteer).  

2. Help Abolish Abortion Texas  (and stop donating to "Pro-Life" group that are now advocating working within the framework of Roe v. Wade, donate to Abolish Abortion Texas, and has actually fought against the Texas Republican Party Legislative Priority bill to abolish abortion!

3. Check out Free the States, a group working with all states to Abolish Abortion




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