Monday, September 18, 2017

Protective Parents of Texas: Beware of Rinos

Protective Parents of Texas:
Beware of Rinos
James Scott Trimm

The leaders of Protective Parents of Texas (PPT) are fully entrenched in the Tarranat County Republican Party.  In fact PPT founder, Jennifer Olson, is a Tarrant County Republican Party Precinct Chair, and three other Tarrant County Precinct Chairs (Marie Howard, Debbie Logsdon and Donna Tribunella (AKA Donna Anderson)  are closely associated with PPT.  But does that really mean PPT is a Republican group?

Tarrant County’s Rino Infestation

Texas is red and Tarrant County is red.  Texas is so red that no Democrat has won a statewide election in Texas  since 1994!  And no Democrat has won a Countywide office in Tarrant County since 1994 as well! 

If you want to win a countywide election in Tarrant County, you don’t run as a Democrat, you run as a Republican, regardless of what your core principles actually are. 

If you are a Democrat at heart, and you want to have an influence in Tarrant County elections, you vote in the Republican primary.  This is because if you vote in the Democrat primary, you will only be voting on who will be the token Democrat to lose in the general election.  The same can be said for red House Districts, red Judicial Precincts etc. within Tarrant County. 

And if you want to actually influence politics in Tarrant County, you don’t do it thru the Tarrant County Democratic Party, especially if you live in a red House District and/or red Judicial Precinct in the county. 

The result of this is that people who are Democrats at heart run as Republicans, vote in Republican primaries (for the least conservative choice) and even get deeply involved in the Tarrant County Republican party, even acting as precinct chairs and convention delegates. 

Because of this we have an extreme “RINO” (Republican in Name Only) infestation in Tarrant County.

So how do you know a RINO?  They key is that they reject the core philosophy of the Republican Party.

Core Philosophy of the Republican Party

The core philosophy of the Republican party is limited government and personal freedom.  Along with this core value is support for the Judeo-Christian values that made America great, especially “family values”.  If a person truly holds to these core values, they will naturally shape his or her views on a whole host of issues, and they will have consistent positions on those issues, in keeping with this core philosophy.

Core Philosophy of Democrats

It is hard to say that there is truly a core philosophy driving the Democratic Party.  The Democrats are largely an uneasy coalition of various groups that have a pet peeve issue, about which they want government to step in and solve that problem through government regulation. 

The pet peeve issues that drive Democrats to want powerful “fix it” government different and even at time conflict.  Some of them want the government to “save” the environment.  Some of them want the government to protect animal “rights”.  Some of them want the government to redistribute wealth and guarantee “social justice.” Some of them want the government to regulate “big business” in support of labor unions.  Some want the government to control religion and force people to approve of homosexuality etc.

As I said, their interests often do not align.  The lumberjack union may come into conflict with the movement to save the spotted owl.  So while they are an uneasy coalition, the common factor is that they have a pet issue that they want big government to fix.

The Texas Republican Platform

So now that we understand that the heart of the underlying root philosophy of the Republican party is limited government, personal freedom and strong family values, lets look at how these core principles have shaped the Texas Republican Party Platform.

The Current Texas Republican Party Platform is the 2016 platform.  Let us look at what this platform says about key issues like the sovereignty of the family, judicial restraint, parental rights, Texas state sovereignty and the involvement of the Federal Government in matters of Texas Family Law.

These issues spring directly from the core principles of the Texas Republican Party, as the Preamble to the 2016 Texas Republican Platform says, “If we fail to maintain our sovereignty, we risk losing the freedom to live these ideals.”  “These ideals” being the principles and planks laid out in the platform.

Moreover the 3rd and 4th Party Principles laid out in the Platform state that “these ideals” include:

3. Preserving American and Texas sovereignty and freedom.
4. Limiting government power to those items enumerated in the United States and Texas Constitutions.

The Texas Republican Party principle of limited government and personal freedom is very much the root of the plank on “The Rights of a Sovereign People” plank which states, among other things, the Texas GOP position that the state is not sovereign over the family:

The Rights of a Sovereign People- The Republican Party of Texas supports the historic concept, established by our nation’s founders, of limited civil government jurisdiction under the natural laws of God, and we oppose the humanistic doctrine that the state is sovereign over the affairs of men, the family, and the church. We believe that government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. The function of government is not to grant rights, but to protect the unalienable, God given rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Texans should be free to express their religious beliefs, including prayer, in public places.
(Plank 13)

The principle of limited government is also the root of the plank on Judicial Restraint:

Judicial Restraint- We support adopting the Constitutional Restoration Act and the principle of judicial restraint, which requires judges to interpret and apply, rather than make the law. We support judges who strictly interpret the law based on its original intent. We oppose judges who assume legislative powers.
(Plank 53)

On Parental Rights the 2016 Texas Republican Party Platform plainly states:

Parental Rights and Responsibilities- Local, state, or federal laws, regulations, or policies that limit parental rights in the rearing of both biological and adopted children shall not be enacted. Parents have the God given right and responsibility to direct and guide their children’s moral education.
(Plank 101)

Another important issue in the Texas Republican Party Platform is Texas Sovereignty over the Federal Government.  The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution reads:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

This means that the federal government does not have any power that the states have not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution.  This is why our Texas Republican Party Platform boldly declares:

State Sovereignty- Federally mandated legislation, which infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas, should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Regulation of Commerce in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution has exceeded the original intent. All attempts by the federal judiciary to rule in areas not expressly enumerated by the Untied States Constitution should be likewise nullified. Any federal enforcement activities that do occur in Texas should be conducted under the authority of the county sheriff.
(Plank 14)

This plank received a yes vote from more than 89% of the convention delegates.

Nowhere in the Constitution do the states delegate to the Federal Government the power to regulate families and family law.  The rights of states to regulate family law issues is clearly an area of state sovereignty.  Therefore on Federal involvement in Family Law the Texas Republican Platform is very clear:

Family and Defense of Marriage- We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between one natural man and one natural woman.
§ We support withholding jurisdiction from the federal courts in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage.
§ We shall not recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal rights or status of a spouse, including granting benefits by political subdivisions.
§ We urge the legislature to rescind no-fault divorce laws and support covenant marriage.
(Plank 79)

PPT vs. the Texas Republican Party Platform

Now lets look at the Protective Parents of Texas positions on these issues.

While the Texas Republican Platform declares strong support for parental rights Protective Parents of Texas wants big government that has more power to strip parents of their rights more easily. 

This has been very evident in their attacks on Judge Haddock regarding the case of Leiliana Wright.  They have actively attacked Judge Haddock because she did not remove Leiliana from the custody of her mother, despite the fact that both parents had agreed on custody in an out of court settlement, and CPS was not petitioning to remove the child from the home. 

Republicans do not believe in the doctrine of a nanny state.  We do not believe it is not the function of government to prevent any bad thing from ever happening.  Tragic things happen in the world, and the death of Leiliana was among the most tragic.

We do not want to exchange the sanctity of parental rights for more security, even for children.

PPT's whole knee-jerk reaction has reminded me of reactions to mass shootings in which the media and Democrats immediately start using it as a talking point for gun control.  I am also reminded of how much liberty and rights are stripped from us with the excuse that it is “for the children.” 

Yes, tragedy struck.  But Judge Haddock was not at fault.  The fact that tragedy occurs does not automatically mean that the government should have prevented it.  This is a dangerous world.  But in the end it is a far better world if we preserve liberty and the natural rights of parents.

In this case Judge Haddock signed off on an out of court agreement entered into by the family, and the law required her to do. 

PPT has openly criticized the judge for doing so.  In effect, PPT wants a big nanny state government which is sovereign over the family, and in which the judge can strip a parent of their rights, even when the family has agreed out of court and CPS has not petitioned to remove the child. 

Since Texas law compels judges to sign onto such out of court settlements, PPT’s criticism of Judge Haddock for following the law, also indicates support for an activist judiciary that does not follow the law.  Likewise PPT has criticized Judge Wells for 325-371563-04 (Archer v Archer), another case in which Judge Wells simply signed off on an out of court agreement by the families. 

While the Texas Republican Platform boldly supports Texas Sovereignty and specifically stands against and Federal involvement in Texas Family Law, Protective Parents of Texas has begun a campaign calling upon the Federal Government to introduce “changes” and “reforms” to Texas Family Law.  In recent posts, PPT has encouraged its readers to contact their Federal legislators to ask the Federal Government to supersede the rights of Texans to govern our own state:

Moreover PPT is organizing PPT advocates for a future march on Washington D.C. to advocate for Federal intervention in Texas Family Law:

In reaction to recent criticisms from this blog that Family Law is not a federal issue, PPT posted “Some say this is not a Federal Problem, we disagree.”:

This campaign by PPT to encourage the Federal  Legislature (or any other branch of the Federal Government) to intervene in areas of Texas Family Law is not only a violation of our Texas Republican Party Platform, but of the US Constitution itself.  Any efforts by Congress, or any other branch of the Federal Government to regulate Texas Family Law would be unconstitutional!

PPT’s Underlying Philosophy is Democrat

Protective Parents of Texas is not a Republican Organization.  They do not believe in limited government and personal freedom.  They do not hold to core Republican principles, and they do not agree with key planks in the Texas Republican Party Platform concerning parents rights, family sovereignty, judicial restraint, and Texas Sovereignty specifically in regards to Texas Family Law. 

PPT is a group with a pet peeve issue that they want to be fixed by big government.  They do not hold to the core principles of the Texas Republican Party.  They are RINOS who hold to a Democrat philosophy at heart. They are Democrats at heart. 

Beware, Protective Parents of Texas is working within the Republican Party of Texas and especially Tarrant County to push forward an agenda that is at complete odds with the Republican Party of Texas. 

If you are a Republican candidate, this is not a group you want endorsing you.  If you are a voter, beware of this group’s activities. Don’t be fooled by RINOS.



See more on the Lieliana Wright case in my previous articles:

For more information on the Archer case in Judge Wells’ court:

For more on Jennifer Olson:

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