Friday, January 15, 2016

Stickland Challenger Pushes the Bamboozle Envelope

Stickland Challenger Pushes the Bamboozle Envelope
James Scott Trimm

In a recent blog I demonstrated that Fisher was attempting to “bamboozle” voters with his recent Facebook ads and web page <click here>.

Now Fisher has really pushed the “bamboozle” envelope.  In recent days the Scott Fisher campaign has been pouring money into Facebook ads asking users to “like” Fisher if they want a secure boarder. 

But now Fisher has announced that he has been endorsed by the Texas Association of Business (TAB) -- Business and Commerce Political Action Committee (BACPAC)!

In the video below is TAB's President Bill Hammond is speaking at a liberal Democrat rally in Austin against Jonathan Stickland’s bill HB 209 which would have repealed in state college tuition for illegals in Texas (Rick Perry’s “Dream Act”)!

Asked why TAB BACPAC had endorsed Stickland’s opponent, Stickand said:

“The reason is simple, they worked against our efforts to ban sanctuary cities, against protecting traditional marriage, and argued to keep in state college tuition for illegals. Obviously I am their worst nightmare.”

Amazingly Scott Fisher thinks that the voters are so stupid, that he can claim to be a champion for securing the border while at the same time announcing that he is proud be endorsed by TAB BACPAC!

Don't be bamboozled by misleading ads!

Jonathan Stickland is the true conservative, with a perfect conservative voting record.  Stickland is the only legislator in the House of Representatives to have a perfect conservative record.  Here are his scores:
Young Conservatives of Texas Score: 100

Even the Dallas Observer wrote:
"Considering Stickland's bona fides, it's hard to see much room for Fisher to attack the state representative from the right." 
(Oct. 2nd 2015)
Do not let Straus and the Austin establishment succeed in their attempt to oust a conservative champion from the Texas House, and replace him with a Straus recruit!  I encourage you to join me in supporting true conservative Jonathan Stickland.

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