Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Libertarian Party Committed Suicide Today

The Libertarian Party Committed Suicide Today


James Scott Trimm

It was the perfect storm, a once in a lifetime opportunity for the Libertarian party.  The presumptive nominees of the two major parties are two statists who are two of the most unpopular nominees in American history.  On the left we have the rise of democratic socialism and on the right we have the rise of populist nativist nationalism. 

The stars had aligned and the Libertarians were finally being called up to bat.  Millions of Liberty minded conservative Republicans were looking for a viable option, and saw one in pro-life Constitutionalist Austin Petersen.  Mary Matalin endorsed him and Glenn Beck called him “my guy” and said Austin made his heart skip a beat.  Petersen was on the verge of building a potentially winning coalition, but first he would have to win the Libertarian Party nomination.

Today the Libertarians nominated their candidates for president and vice president and they did not nominate Austin Petersen.  Instead they nominated Gary Johnson for president and Bill Weld for vice President.

Gary Johnson is a moderate Republican Governor who was running for the GOP nomination in 2012 (against Ron Paul).  When his campaign was going nowhere he suddenly and conveniently switched parties, became a “Libertarian” and mesmerized the Libertarians into nominating him.  The Libertarians were delighted to have a two term former Governor as their nominee.  Of course he only got about 1% of the vote.

Gary Johnson is not an acceptable choice for conservative Republicans.  Johnson is pro-abortion and wants to fund Planned Parenthood, which makes him a non option for pro-life conservatives.   


Moreover Johnson is a radical enemy of the freedom of religion.  Johnson wants to require Christians (or Jews or Muslims) to be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.  When asked if Jews should be forced to bake Nazi cakes, he said “yes” and when it was suggested by Petersen that clergy should not be forced to perform gay weddings, Gary argued against him, saying that freedom of religion had become an excuse to discriminate against homosexuals.  In other words, Johnson wants the LGBT to be a special protected class with special rights that would override the first amendment rights of others!

As for Bill Weld, he is a moderate Republican and former governor of Massachusetts who joined the Libertarian party just in time to run as their VP.  He has a history of supporting gun control.

This means the long term stagnation, if not the death of the Libertarian Party.  It could be decades, if ever, before they have an opportunity like the one they just threw away.  Moreover the Libertarian will get a lot of publicity end exposure during this election, and the face of the LP will be Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, which will do nothing but turn off Constutionalists.  By making Johnson their nominee for most of a decade, they have chosen to define themselves by his anit-Liberty positions.  And the Libertarian Party can not fall back on their local offices, because they repeatedly nominate candidates who are unwilling to do what it takes to actually win, so they hold few lower offices.

So now we have three statists running for president and no real options for Liberty loving, Right to Life Constitutionalists.  No other party is on the ballot in enough states to have the mathematical chance to win.

Here in Texas the Liberty wing of the GOP has been, and continues to be very successful.  Two years ago “Tea Party” candidates swept the statewide elections, and this year Liberty Conservatives gained seats in the Texas Senate and House.  Moreover, this year the Texas GOP has made Texas Sovereignty even over SCOTUS rulings, the party platform.

So even if you are not going to vote at all on the presidential ticket, it is very important that we support our Texas GOP candidates (except for HD 99 and HD 127 where I recently blogged in support of the LP candidates over the Straus allied RINOS). 

It is also important that we fight even harder for the Texas Sovereignty Act, because we will be faced, regardless of who wins the election, with a big government statist in the White House.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Two More Chances to Oust Straus Allies

Two More Chances to Oust Straus Allies


James Scott Trimm

The runoffs are over, but the fight to replace Straus allies is not over yet!  The fight is far from over.  Two members of team Straus are being challenged in the General Election  by pro-life Constitutionalist Libertarians who, if elected, would caucus with Liberty Republicans in the House.

Dan Hawkins testifying to the Texas Senate

Texas House District 99

In House District 99 Straus Lieutenant Charlie Geren is challenged by Libertarian Dan Hawkins.

Charlie Geren is a tax, borrow and spend RINO with one of the worst records of any Republican in the Texas House.  Geren is known for being downright antagonistic to conservatives  in the Texas House to the degree of adolescent behavior.  The Dallas Observer has even reported:

Stickland aggravated House Speaker Joe Strauss (sic) and his allies so badly that at least two legislators saw Strauss (sic) ally Charlie Geren dangle a cookie on a string in front Strickland in a mocking attempt to lead him away from one of his frequent back-microphone stem-winders.

(Dallas Observer; Oct. 2nd 2015)

Charlie Geren has still not signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and has deplorable scores from major conservative groups:

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility scores him at just 65 and a Lifetime score of F

Young Conservatives of Texas gives him a Legislative ranking of just 43 and a lifetime score of 56.

The Texas Eagle Forum 2015 Scorecard gives him a score of just 61.

Geren is only the 56th most conservative legislator out of the 97 Republican House Representatives.

In the 84th Session Geren made the Texas Right to Life Dishonorable Mentions List and Chairman Geren also made the "Pro-Life fraud alert"

When Planned Parenthood came to Austin to lobby for money to murder babies in the womb, Jonathan Stickland put a sign (supplied by Texas Right to Life) on his office door identifying himself as a former fetus. This drew the anger of Charlie Geren, who made the news (Star-Telegram March 11, 2015) when he ripped the pro-life sign from Stickland’s door and stormed into his office yelling at Stickland’s staff.

Geren is challenged by Libertarian Dan Hawkins who is a Constitutional “Conservitarian” and a former Republican Precinct chair, who resigned so he could run against Geren as a Libertarian. Hawkins is also a Pro-Life activist who, in 2013 went to Austin to testify for Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill (HB2/SB1), even testifying that it did not go far enough to protect the right to life in Texas.  A win for Hawkins would eliminate one of Straus’ chief lieutenants and replace him with an ally for Liberty Republicans.

Scott Ford (r) with Rep. Jonathan Stickland (L)
(This picture does not represent an official endorsement by Stickland)
Texas House District 127
In House District 127 Straus ally Dan Huberty is challenged by Libertarian Scott Ford.  Dan Huberty is a RINO with a deplorable record. 

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility scores him at just 60 (F) and a Lifetime score of F

Young Conservatives of Texas gives him a Legislative ranking of just 58 and a lifetime score of 65

The Texas Eagle Forum 2015 Scorecard gives him a score of just 55 (F)

Last session, State Rep. Scott Turner, (Turner famously challenged Joe Straus as Speaker of the Texas House), successfully passed an amendment that would bar state funds from being used to fund any research that destroys human embryos. Straus’s chairman of Higher Education opposed this amendment. Huberty voted with the Democrats to oppose this amendment.

On May 29, 2015 the House adjourned at 6:27 PM and at 6:58 PM Huberty was caught on video, clearlyintoxicated, cursing at an APF reporter and calling him a “f***ing hack,” an “a** hole” and using other derogatory terms. The video ends with Huberty shouting profanities as he struggles against his own staff as well as three DPS officers who hold him back from attacking the reporter.

The video can be viewed here:

Scott Ford, M.Ed. is a Constitutional Conservative Libertarian candidate for TX State Rep, 127.  He has worked for the DEA, FBI and CIA. Ford walked away from a job with the NSA for over $150K over their unconstitutional collection of our private information. He can be heard on the Raging Elephants Radio weekdays from 2-4 PM.

Both of these Libertarian candidates are running against Straus allies and both would serve as reinforcements for Liberty Republicans in the Texas House.  The battle against the Straus cartel is not over yet!  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Stickland Six: Net Gain for Team Stickland

The Stickland Six: Net Gain for Team Stickland
James Scott Trimm

Yesterday the run off election wrapped up.  As you may know Conservative hero Jonathan Stickland championed six conservative candidates who came to be known as the “Stickland Six”.  So what happened with the Stickland six last night?

District 18

Previously held by RINO House Budget Chairman John Otto.  Unfortunately Lobbyist favorite Ernest Bailes defeated conservative activist Keith Strahan. Team Straus keeps the seat.

District 33

The incumbent, conservative State Rep. Scott Turner who bravely but unsuccessfully unsuccessfully challenged Joe Straus for Speaker, did not run for reelection but did endorse John Keating, a Gulf War veteran and member of the Frisco City Council. Keating was running against Rockwall realtor Justin Holland.  Keating is down by 29 votes so this could come down to military and overseas ballots which could tip it for Keating. Tentatively a gain for Team Straus.

District 128

Wayne Smith an incumbent of fourteen years and a lobbyist favorite was defeated by pro-life conservative Briscoe Cain!  Every vote counts and this race came down to just 23 votes.  (In fact Smith is holding out hope that military and overseas votes will overturn Cain’s victory.  Here is a big victory for team Stickland!

District 64

In House District 64 liberal RINO incumbent Myra Crownover declined to run for re-election but instead endorsed veterinarian and professional dog snuffer Lynn Stucky.  Stucky has been a big supporter of the Texas Election Commission’s war on free speech against conservative groups.  Unfortunately Stucky defeated conservative activist Read King.  Team Straus retains a seat.

District 73

Liberal RINO incumbent State Rep. Doug Miller ran a despicable mudslinging campaign against conservative small business man Kyle Biedermann, but even his mudslinging could not stave off Biedermann’s victory!  A big win for team Stickland!

District 5

Conservative State Rep. Bryan Hughes has represented this district for more that ten years, but his decision to run for the Texas Senate put this seat up for grabs.  In this race small business owner and former Upshur County Commissioner Cole Hefner defeated challenger Jay Misenheimer.  Team Stickland retains a seat.

So overall we have a win for team Stickland.  Team Straus gained one new seat, but team Stickland gained two seats and two entrenched RINO incumbents were ousted from the House.

When all was said and done the run off produced a net gain of one new seat for team Stickland!  Onward!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Restoring Traditional Marriage in Texas

Restoring Traditional Marriage in Texas
James Scott Trimm

Our nation is built upon the Constitution.  The Constitution limits the power of government and is a chain that binds the governmental leviathan.  But activist judges who believe they have the power to act unconstitutionally are destroying our nation.  They believe they have the power to violate the separations of powers, and to violate the rights of the states and the people.

Major victims of this destruction of the US Constitution have been the Right to Life and the American family.  In the recent judgment from the US Supreme Court inventing a right to a gay marriage out of thin air, the late Justice Anton Scalia famously wrote in his dissenting opinion:

"I write separately to call attention to this Court's threat to American democracy... This practice of constitutional revision... robs the people of the most important liberty... the freedom to govern themselves..."
-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

When government intrudes on liberty we do not say "in for a penny, in for a pound" and then give the government even more power as its reward for having intruded on liberty in the first place.  So while government should not be creating marriages, we should not say that in the meantime because the government has usurped the power to license and certify marriages, the government should now be allowed to further usurp the power to completely redefine marriage.

According to the Texas State Constitution, marriage is a union between one man and one woman.  I would further add that this union is generally consummated by the reproductive act.  For this reason we call sexual intercourse "the marital act" and a marriage can be annulled in Texas if either spouse is permanently incapable of engaging in the reproductive act.

If two persons desire to enter into a legal partnership contract that has nothing to do with the reproductive act, then they should certainly be free to do so.  And what those persons do or don’t do in their own bedroom is none of my concern.  Freedom means that other people will believe and do things with which I don’t like or agree, and I will like and do things with which they don’t agree.  But that does not mean that we must redefine “marriage”.

Now we get to the key question: does the federal government have the power to redefine marriage?  Does the State of Texas have a path to restoring traditional marriage in Texas? 

No the federal government has no such power and Texas does have a path to restoring traditional marriage in our state.  The solution is to be found in the new 2016 Texas Republican Party Platform which reads:

Overturning Obergefell v. Hodges- We believe this decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be reversed, returning jurisdiction over the definition of marriage to the states. The Governor and other elected officials of the state of Texas should assert our Tenth Amendment right and reject the Supreme Court ruling.

But how can the Governor and other elected officials of the state of Texas assert our Tenth Amendment right and reject the Supreme Court ruling?  The answer is found elsewhere in the Platform which reads:

State Sovereignty- Pursuant to Article 1 Section 1 of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government.  Therefore, federally mandated legislation, which infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas, should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Regulation of Commerce in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution has exceeded the original intent. All attempts by the federal judiciary to rule in areas not expressly enumerated by the Untied States Constitution should be likewise nullified. Any federal enforcement activities that do occur in Texas should be conducted under the authority of the county sheriff.

But how can we actually accomplish this?  How can the State of Texas nullify a federal court ruling from the US Supreme Court?  The answer is the Texas Sovereignty Act!

The Tenth Amendment reads:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

This means that the federal government (the Supreme Court included) does not have any power that the states have not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution. 

Nowhere in the US Constitution is the federal government delegated the authority to define or redefine marriage.

The Supreme Court claimed to base its ruling on its interpretation of the 14th amendment.  This argument fails for two important reasons:

First of all the fact that homosexuals are not interested in entering a union between one man and one woman generally consummated by the reproductive act, does not mean that they are victims of discrimination.  Likewise if I am not interested in fighting fires, I cannot demand to be recognized as a fireman and require that the definition of “fireman” be altered to include me.  (By the way this has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with reproductive biology.)  Homosexuals cannot perform the reproductive act because frankly, their parts don’t fit together for that act.

Secondly the US Supreme Court is not the ultimate and final interpreter of the US Constitution.  The Supreme Court has become the final interpreter of the Constitution for one simple reason: because they say they are.  The Supreme Court usurped this authority, claiming it for itself in 1803 in Marbury v. Madison.  Nowhere does the Constitution assign this role to the Supreme Court, they simply have it because they say they do.

The framers stated that the US Constitution is a compact between the member states, and that as such, each state has equal standing in determining for itself the meaning of the Constitution.  The tenth amendment states that the states and the people retain all powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution, and nowhere in the Constitution did the states delegate to any branch of the federal government the power to be the ultimate and final interpreter of the Constitution.  The Supremacy Clause never mentions the Supreme court, but appears to indicate that state judges would make these judgments.

I encourage you to read more about the Texas Sovereignty Act by clicking here.

Yes we can restore traditional marriage in Texas!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

We Can End Abortion in Texas: Here is How!

We Can End Abortion in Texas: Here is How!


James Scott Trimm

The new Texas State Republican Platform for 2016 is now out and boldly proclaims concerning abortion:

"Abolish Abortion- We call upon the Texas Legislature to enact legislation stopping the murder of unborn children; and to ignore and refuse to enforce any and all federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings, which would deprive an unborn child of the right to life."

But how can the Texas Legislature enact legislation abolishing abortion in Texas?  What about Roe v. Wade?  Hasn’t the US Supreme Court ruled that there is a Constitutional right to an abortion?

Well as the platform says, there is a way for Texas to “to ignore and refuse to enforce any and all federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, and court rulings, which would deprive an unborn child of the right to life.”  That way involves reclaiming our Texas Sovereignty, as the Platform elsewhere states:

State Sovereignty- Pursuant to Article 1 Section 1 of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government.  Therefore, federally mandated legislation, which infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas, should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Regulation of Commerce in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution has exceeded the original intent. All attempts by the federal judiciary to rule in areas not expressly enumerated by the Untied States Constitution should be likewise nullified. Any federal enforcement activities that do occur in Texas should be conducted under the authority of the county sheriff.

But how can we actually accomplish this?  How can the State of Texas nullify a federal court ruling from the US Supreme Court?  The answer is the Texas Sovereignty Act!

The Supreme Court has become the final interpreter of the Constitution for one simple reason: because they say they are.  The Supreme Court usurped this authority, claiming it for itself in 1803 in Marbury v. Madison.  Nowhere does the Constitution assign this role to the Supreme Court, they simply have it because they say they do.

The framers stated that the US Constitution is a compact between the member states, and that as such, each state has equal standing in determining for itself the meaning of the Constitution.  The tenth amendment states that the states and the people retain all powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution, and nowhere in the Constitution did the states delegate to any branch of the federal government the power to be the ultimate and final interpreter of the Constitution.  The Supremacy Clause never mentions the Supreme court, but appears to indicate that state judges would make these judgments.(You can read more about the basis for the Texas Sovereignty Act by clicking here)

Surely any law our state passes that reclaims its sovereignty will be declared unconstitutional by the federal government, since they have developed their own precedence on the issue.  This has been called the Goliad approach to sovereignty.  You surrender to the authority you were fighting, ask for mercy and are slaughtered in return.

We must simply pass the Texas Sovereignty Act, that, as a matter of enforceable and implemented law, Texas determines for itself whether or not our laws are Constitutional.

This means the federal courts will also have no power to find the Texas Sovereignty Act itself unconstitutional, because the law itself takes that decision out of their hands and places it in those of our state.

This is the only true path to Texas sovereignty.  Any effort that leaves the matter ultimately in the hands of federal courts will fail, because they will simply declare it unconstitutional (though their own usurped power to do so is itself unconstitutional).

Yes we can nullify Roe v. Wade in Texas!  We must urge Texas Legislature to pass this binding legislation claiming and enacting the right of our state to judge for itself whether a state law is unconstitutional, or whether a federal law, policy, action or ruling is unauthorized or undelegated by the U.S. Constitution.

This is how we can finally end abortion in Texas!  Remember Goliad!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Another Victory for Texas Sovereignty Act

Another Victory for Texas Sovereignty Act
James Scott Trimm

There has been yet another victory for the Texas Sovereignty Act at the Texas GOP State Convention this weekend.  With neither of the two major candidates from the two major parties even addressing the idea of limiting the growing scope and power of the Federal government, now more than ever the Texas Sovereignty Act is important.

Less than a year ago, in July 2015, my wife was in the Hospital for nearly two weeks.  I had a lot of time to think, and during that time I formulated an idea called the "Texas Sovereignty Act."  Since that time the idea has caught on like wildfire.

At the time the U.S. Supreme Court had taken upon itself the undelegated power to regulate marriage in the various states and thus overturn the definition of marriage found in the Texas State Constitution.  

Unconstitutional Acts of the Federal Government

With the recent unconstitutional Supreme Court Rulings that claim a right of the federal government to require citizens to buy healthcare, to redefine marriage,  and to simply rewrite laws they do not like, people are asking, “Is the Supreme Court really the final authority on these matters?”

Even decades ago the US Supreme Court claimed the right to regulate abortion, claiming that there is a constitutional right to an abortion (though the Constitution never even mentions abortion).

The Executive branch engages in executive overreach, ignoring laws it does not like, and writing executive orders to create laws without congress, and without delegated authority.

The Legislative branch itself makes laws that are unconstitutional and for which it has no delegated authority.

Abortion, Obamacare, gay marriage, activist federal courts and executive overreach.... What if one Texas law could put Texans back in control of Texas?

How Did the Supreme Court Become Final Interpreter

The Supreme Court has become the final interpreter of the Constitution for one simple reason: because they say they are.  The Supreme Court usurped this authority, claiming it for itself in 1803 in Marbury v. Madison.  Nowhere does the Constitution assign this role to the Supreme Court, they simply have it because they say they do,

The Supremacy Clause

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution says:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
(Article 6; Clause 2)

Note that it is the Constitution, not the federal government that is the “supreme law of the land”.  The Constitution is not the same thing as the federal government.  The Constitution is the instrument that creates and restrains the federal government, it is not the federal government itself.

The Constitution is also not the same thing as the Supreme Court.  And in fact the Supreme Court is not even mentioned in the Supremacy Clause.

To the contrary Thomas Jefferson wrote:

“…this [federal] government, created by this compact [the Constitution], was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself, since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers; but that, as in all other cases of compact among powers having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress."
(Thomas Jefferson; Kentucky Resolution 1798)

And James Madison wrote:

"…the powers of the federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact, as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose, for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining, within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties, appertaining to them."
(James Madison; Virginia Resolution of 1798)

The Constitution is a compact between a given state, and the other states in the Union. Just as when two foreign powers, for example France and Great Britain enter into a compact, each party has a right to determine for itself its own understanding of the terms of the compact. Likewise each state maintains the right to determine for itself its own understanding of meaning of the terms of the Constitution. This does not conflict with the Supremacy Clause because it is the Constitution (but not the Federal Government ) which is the Supreme Law of the land.

Not only does the Constitution not mention the US Supreme Court in the Supremacy Clause, the Constitution indicates that it is State judges who are expected to determine if a state law is constitutional saying “…and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

The Tenth Amendment

The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution reads:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

This means that the federal government (the Supreme Court included) does not have any power that the states have not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution.  No where in the Constitution do the states delegate to the Federal Government the power to determine for themselves whether or not they deem a state law to be Constitutional, or to determine for itself what it understands the Constitution to mean.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"That the several states composing the United States of America are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government; but that, by compact, under the style and title of a Constitution for the United States, and of amendments thereto, they constituted a general government for special purposes, delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving, each state to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force; that to this compact each state acceded as a state, and is an integral party, its co-States forming, as to itself, the other party;…”
(Thomas Jefferson; Kentucky Resolution 1798)

(The states also never delegated the authority to the federal government the power to regulate abortion, require its citizens to purchase healthcare, or define marriage.)

How do we Reclaim Sovereignty?

So how do we reclaim our state’s sovereignty?  How do we reclaim the right to determine for ourselves whether or not our state laws are constitutional?  How do we reclaim the right to be the final authority for our own state’s understanding of the Constitution?  Surely any law our state passes that reclaims its sovereignty will be declared unconstitutional by the federal government, since they have developed their own precedence on the issue.

The answer is, in much the same way that the Supreme Court claimed this authority for itself.  We simply say so.  We simply pass an act that, as a matter of enforceable and implemented law, Texas determines for itself whether or not our laws are Constitutional.

This means the federal courts will also have no power to find the Texas Sovereignty Act itself unconstitutional, because the law itself takes that decision out of their hands and places it in those of our state.

This is the only true path to Texas sovereignty.  Any effort that leaves the matter ultimately in the hands of federal courts will fail, because they will simply declare it unconstitutional (though their own usurped power to do so is itself unconstitutional).

We can no longer afford to pass meaningless non-binding sovereignty resolutions.  We can no longer afford to pass meaningless sovereignty or nullification laws, and then ask the federal courts if they are constitutional.

We must pass a Texas Sovereignty Act that claims for Texas the power to determine whether or not it, or any other Texas law is Constitutional, as well as determine for our own state whether or not federal laws or actions are constitutional (and especially if they are delegated powers or usurped powers).

Getting TSA into the State Platform

It has been truly a grassroots effort to bring this idea into the State GOP Party platform. It began with social media spreading the idea throughout the state.  Then many ordinary Texans brought the Texas Sovereignty Act Resolution to their Precinct Conventions on election day, where it was generally approved by voters and passed up to the County and Senatorial District Conventions.  At the ninth Senatorial District Convention the idea made it into the District platform in the following language:

We require the Texas Legislature to ignore, oppose, refuse, and nullify any act of any branch of the federal government which infringes upon the states' or people's Constitutionally protected rights in accordance with the 10th Amendment. And we also require the Texas Legislature to pass binding legislation claiming and enacting the right of our state to judge for itself whether a state law is unconstitutional, or whether a federal law, policy, action or ruling is unauthorized or undelegated by the U.S. Constitution.  Police power is reserved to the states by the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, all federal law enforcement activities conducted in Texas must be conducted under the auspices of the county sheriff with jurisdiction in that county.

This platform report was then passed up to the State GOP Convention.

I am pleased to report that language supporting the Texas Sovereignty Act has now been passed in a plank of the Texas GOP State Party Platform.  The 2014 platform merely said:

 Reaffirm Texas Sovereignty as Reserved Under the 10th Amendment, United States Constitution - We strongly urge the Texas Legislature ignore, oppose, refuse, and nullify any federal mandated legislation which infringes upon the states' 10th Amendment Right. All federal enforcement activities in Texas must be conducted under the auspices of the county sheriff with jurisdiction in that county.

Bu the new 2016 platform, influenced by the Texas Sovereignty Act movement reads as follows:

State Sovereignty- Pursuant to Article 1 Section 1 of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government.  Therefore, federally mandated legislation, which infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas, should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified. Regulation of Commerce in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution has exceeded the original intent. All attempts by the federal judiciary to rule in areas not expressly enumerated by the Untied States Constitution should be likewise nullified. Any federal enforcement activities that do occur in Texas should be conducted under the authority of the county sheriff.

The new platform now goes much farther calling not just for the nullification of undelegated federal legislation, but also for nullification of undelegated federal judiciary rulings as well! 

This means that the Republican Party of the State of Texas has now officially taken the position that the U.S. Supreme Court is not the exclusive or final interpreter of the Constitution and that the State of Texas can and should "nullify" "All attempts by the federal judiciary to rule in areas not expressly enumerated by the Untied States Constitution".  

What Does the Platform Mean?

Up until this year the state platform was rather meaningless.  We could pin it up on the bulletin board and all stand around and point at it and say "yep, that's the platform alright."  But thanks to the hard work of Jeremy Blosser, that too has changed.  The new party rules just passed at the stare convention we now have a real censure rule for elected Republican officials that will allow the party to deny party neutrality or other resources to candidates who takes three or more actions in opposition to the core principles of the Republican Party of Texas as defined in the Preamble of the Party Platform.  In short, the party platform now means something substantive and cannot simply be ignored by elected Republican officials without potential consequences.  

Where Do We Go Next?

Where do we go next?  The final step is to take the Texas Sovereignty Act to the 85th Legislative session.  I am pleased to report that more than one legislator has told me that they consider passing the Texas Sovereignty Act an "urgent" priority.  Onward!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Important Message for All Texas State GOP Convention Delegates

Important Message for All Texas State GOP Convention Delegates
James Scott Trimm

As you all know, I have written you in the past about the need for Texas to pass a Texas Sovereignty Act to claim our Constitutional right for our state to determine for itself whether or not a Texas law is Constitutional, or whether or not a Federal law, policy, executive action or legal ruling is Constitutional.  If you have not read my blog: How Texas Can Reclaim Our Sovereignty <click here> you should definitely read it.

I am delighted to report that language supporting the Texas Sovereignty Act was included in the SD9 Republican platform under the Sub Heading "Reaffirm Texas Sovereignty as Reserved Under the 10th Amendment, United States Constitution" as follows:

"We require the Texas Legislature to ignore, oppose, refuse, and nullify any act of any branch of the federal government which infringes upon the states' or people's Constitutionally protected rights in accordance with the 10th Amendment. And we also require the Texas Legislature to pass binding legislation claiming and enacting the right of our state to judge for itself whether a state law is unconstitutional, or whether a federal law, policy, action or ruling is unauthorized or undelegated by the U.S. Constitution.  Police power is reserved to the states by the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, all federal law enforcement activities conducted in Texas must be conducted under the auspices of the county sheriff with jurisdiction in that county."

The platform also states that “Texas Sovereignty / 10th Amendment” legislation should be a legislative priority in the 85th Legislative Session.

This platform was sent with the others to be considered by the the State Convention!  

I was a delegate to my Senatorial District Convention where I introduced the italicized language as an amendment from the floor which was seconded and voted in overwhelmingly by the general assembly.  I thank also the 9th Senatorial Convention Resolutions committee for using the phrase "any branch of the federal government" which was also inspired by the Texas Sovereignty Act resolution.

Unfortunately my wife's health made it impossible to serve as a delegate to the State convention, so I cannot see this though myself.  I am asking those of you who are to catch this pass and run it to the finish line! 

If you are a delegate to the state convention, please help make sure this key language makes it into our state platform!  This may require making a motion  to amend the proposed platform from the floor as I did successfully at the district level. 

If you are on the resolutions/platform committee, please do your best to see that this language makes it through the process.