Saturday, October 31, 2015

Byron Cook Visits Pojman’s World

Byron Cook Visits Pojman’s World
James Scott Trimm

As many of you know the Large Hadron Collider is now firing at its highest-ever energy level - and scientists hope to make contact with a parallel universe.  I can save them a lot of time and money, I have already made contact with a parallel universe.  It is called "Joe Pojman's World.  It is a parallel world in which the same people exist, but in which many important things are different. 

Joe Pojman is the Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life.  The claimed mission of this organization is to “protect innocent human life from conception through natural death through peaceful, legal means.” And there was a time when this organization was true to its mission, but today the organization exists largely to give cover to establishment politicians that are weak on pro-life issues. 

In our world, State Representative Charlie Geren recently (when Planned Parenthood came to Austin to lobby for money to murder babies in the womb) went through the halls of the capitol, ripping down pro-life signs from the doors of real pro-life representatives.  Stickland put a sign (supplied by Texas Right to Life) on his office door identifying himself as a “former fetus”. This drew the anger of the Austin establishment and Straus lieutenant Charlie Geren made the news (Star-Telegram March 11, 2015) when he ripped the sign from Stickland’s door and stormed into his office yelling at Stickland’s staff.

But in Joe Pojman's world Charlie Geren was recognized for his courage as a pro-life hero at this years TAL banquet Pojman and his organization actually gave Straus Lieutenant Charlie Geren an award for his “Courageous Defense of Life”.  

In our world State Representative Jonathan Stickland is a real pro-life hero endorsed by Texas Right to Life (a legit pro-life organization).  In fact Jonathan Stickland recently received the "Pro-Life Champion" award from Texas Right to Life, for his work protecting life in the 84th legislature.

But in Pojman's World his ostensibly pro-life organization fights to replace Stickland.  Iin the 2014 primary Pojman’s TAL supported Stickland’s opponent Andy Cargile, despite Stickland’s perfect pro-life voting record.  And in the current primary Pojman’s close friend and ally Scott Fisher is the establishment’s recruit to run against Stickland.

Texas House Speaker Joe Straus was able to make contact with Pojman's world and it only cost about  $54,000 .... that us a lot cheaper than a super collider.... of course some physicists are concerned that our world could be contaminated by contact with a parallel world,  and that is definitely the case with Pojman’s World.

Here is how it works:  Pojman’s organization (Texas Alliance for Life) receives massive amounts of money from Straus’s political arm, The Texas Leadership Fund. State records show that TAL received over $50,000 from this Straus fund in 2014 ($50,000 on 2/25/14 and a second helping of $4,000 on 9/9/14).  Pojman then supports and endorses Boss Straus's establishment cronies, apparently regardless of their pro-life voting record.  

For example Pojman’s TAL endorsed and sent out mailers supporting Bennett Ratliff and J.D. Sheffield.  Yet Ratliff has said that he sees abortion as a right that a woman has and Sheffield voted with Democrats on numerous amendments intended to water down or kill HB 2.  In the case of Sheffield, Pojman’s endorsement created the bizarre situation in which Pojman’s “Pro Life” organization and Planned Parenthood advocates were advocating the same candidate !?!?!?

At the same time Pojman has withheld endorsements from good conservative candidates with real pro-life voting records like Jonathan Stickland, as well as Matt Schaefer and Charles Perry. 

Now Joe Pojman is actually backing Representative Byron Cook, and joined him at his recent campaign kickoff event in Corsicana.  

Yet in May Cook wrote a public letter defending late-term abortions on babies who are diagnosed with a disability! 

And as Chair of the Texas House State Affairs Committee, Cook has repeatedly used his position to water down and even block pro-life legislation.  While Pojman was inside supporting Cook a crowd of about 75 real pro-lifers from all over Texas were outside protesting Cook, despite the downpour of rain! 

Pojman’s support and endorsements have become increasingly disconnected from reality.  Perhaps Pojman should simply dispense with pretense and start making his endorsements available on ebay.  That way Boss Straus could just click "buy it now"....

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

It’s Time for a New Speaker… in Texas

It’s Time for a New Speaker… in Texas


James Scott Trimm

There is a lot of talk about a new speaker in the House of Representatives.  The reason there is so much concern about who the next speaker will be, is that the last Speaker, John Boehner, sold conservative out at every turn.  Republicans control both houses, and yet the conservative agenda has been sidelined at every turn by the Speaker.  We all know we need a new Speaker, and we want to make sure the next Speaker is not another sell out.

We have a similar situation in the Texas House of Representatives, except that Speaker Joe Straus has not announced that he is bowing out, none the less, Straus needs to be replaced as Speaker.

Although “Tea Party” conservatives swept the Republican primaries and subsequent general elections in 2014, all too often we have still not gotten the conservative Texas government for which we voted.  The blame for that falls largely on the shoulders of House Speaker Joe Straus.

Straus is the best Speaker money can buy, but he is no conservative.  In fact Straus and his chief lieutenant, State Rep. Charlie Geren (R-Fort Worth) are the only Republicans in the top-15 recipients of public-sector labor union campaign donations in Texas.  And Straus is the second-highest beneficiary of union money, only State Sen. John Whitmire, who is the longest serving Democrat in the Texas Senate, receives more union cash.

Straus gerrymanders the chamber in such a manner as to inhibit conservatives and exalt moderates when making his committee assignments.  Conservative bills then go to House Calendars where they are selectively left to die without ever having a vote.   

At least one Democratic strategist has suggested that Boehner could have learned a thing or two from Straus.  Strategist Jason Stanford recently said:

"He should have taken the Texas model. We have a speaker here in Texas, Joe Straus. And I hate saying this, but maybe Washington needs to adopt the Texas model here because he gets elected speaker with Democratic votes. John Boehner knew he couldn’t stay speaker unless he was willing to rely on Democratic votes. He just wasn’t willing to do that so he quit."

Sadly our Speaker Straus has been willing to go even lower that Speaker Boehner had in selling out to the Democrats.

Primary season is upon us, don’t vote for any State Representative who will not pledge to oust Straus.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Joe Straus Staffer "Likes" Stickland's Challenger

In my most recent blog The Establishment’s Plan to Oust Jonathan Stickland I exposed the plan by House Speaker Joe Straus to replace conservative champion Jonathan Stickland with Scott Fisher.  Fisher is a close friend and ally of Straus puppet Joe Pojman.  If you have not yet read this blog, you definitely should.  But if my expose left any doubt that Straus is ultimately behind Stickland's primary challenger, that doubt has now been dispelled.  A recent "like" on Fisher's campaign Facebook page is from Rocky Gage.  Mr. Gage does nor live in District 92 (Stickland's district), he is in fact a member of Joe Staus's staff! 

[UPDATE: Within an hour and a half of this blog being published, Rocky Gage's name magically disappeared from the "likes" for Fisher's page....  then after I reported its disappearance ,  it returned... so if it disappears again that's OK, because that is why God created screen captures.]

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I have included the screen shots below to prove it:

Do not let Straus and the Austin establishment succeed in their attempt to oust a conservative champion from the Texas House, and replace him with a Straus recruit!  I encourage you to join me in supporting true conservative Jonathan Stickland.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Establishment’s Plan to Oust Jonathan Stickland

The Establishment’s Plan to Oust Jonathan Stickland


James Scott Trimm

As I said in a recent blog:  Jonathan Stickland has represented District 92 better than any State Representative we have had in my memory, and my memory stretches all the way back to Representative Charles Evans in the 1970's and 80's! 

We did not send Jonathan Stickland to Austin to join the good ole boys club and make back room deals.  We sent him to stand strong for our district.  We sent him to protect our freedoms and rights and to restrain government.   Jonathan Stickland has done that well, and has the voting record to prove it.  Stickland is to the Texas House what Ted Cruz in to the US Senate.    He has become the Maverick of the Texas House.  And sometimes he has represented us by being a voice on the microphone in the back of the House, telling it like it is!  The Dallas Observer has even reported:

Stickland aggravated House Speaker Joe Strauss (sic) and his allies so badly that at least two legislators saw Strauss (sic) ally Charlie Geren dangle a cookie on a string in front Strickland in a mocking attempt to lead him away from one of his frequent back-microphone stem-winders.
(Dallas Observer; Oct. 2nd 2015)

Personally I thank the Almighty that our District has a voice telling it like it is on the back-microphone in the House!  And because Stickland has stood up so strong against the establishment for conservative principles like limited government and personal freedom, the Austin establishment wants Stickland replaced, and they are determined to get rid of him.

When it comes to the Austin establishment, all you need to do is follow the money and the good ole boys club, and in this case the money takes us to Straus puppet Joe Pojman. 

Joe Pojman is the Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life.  The claimed mission of this organization is to “protect innocent human life from conception through natural death through peaceful, legal means.” And there was a time when this organization was true to its mission, but today the organization exists largely to give cover to politicians that are weak on pro-life issues.  While they are a pro-life, or at least anti-abortion group to an extent, they also often fight conservatives on end of life issues.  For example Pojman has empowered the healthcare lobby and hospitals to end the life of a patient without family permission.

Pojman’s organization (TAL) has received massive amounts of money from Straus’s political arm, The Texas Leadership fund. State records show that TAL received over $50,000 from this Straus fund in 2014 ($50,000 on 2/25/14 and a second helping of $4,000 on 9/9/14).

Pojman routinely supports and endorses Straus's establishment cronies, apparently regardless of their pro-life voting record.  For example Pojman’s TAL endorsed and sent out mailers supporting Bennett Ratliff and J.D. Sheffield.  Yet Ratliff has said that he sees abortion as a right that a woman has and Sheffield voted with Democrats on numerous amendments intended to water down or kill HB 2.

At the same time Pojman has withheld endorsements from good conservative candidates with real pro-life voting records like our own Jonathan Stickland, as well as Matt Schaefer and Charles Perry.  In fact in the 2014 primary Pojman’s TAL supported Stickland’s opponent Andy Cargile, despite Sticklan’s perfect pro-life voting record (Yet Texas Right to Life, a legit Pro-Life Organization endorsed Stickland).

In fact Jonathan Stickland recently received the "Pro-Life Champion" award from Texas Right to Life, for his work protecting life in the 84th legislature.

Perhaps the biggest insult to real pro-life conservatives came just a few days ago at the TAL annual banquet.  At this banquet Pojman and his organization actually gave Straus Lieutenant Charlie Geren an award for his “Courageous Defense of Life”.   Yet the Texas Right to Life Committee rated Geren at only 67 percent favorable in 2013, only 62 percent in 2011, only 63 percent in 2005 and In 2003, his second legislative session, Right to Life had rated Geren at a measly 17 percent.

This is the same Charlie Geren that recently went through the halls of the capitol, ripping down pro-life signs from the doors of real pro-life representatives.  Just a few months ago, when Planned Parenthood came to Austin to lobby for money to murder babies in the womb, Stickland put a sign (supplied by Texas Right to Life) on his office door identifying himself as a former fetus. This drew the anger of the Austin establishment and Straus lieutenant Charlie Geren made the news (Star-Telegram March 11, 2015) when he ripped the sign from Stickland’s door and stormed into his office yelling at Stickland’s staff.    

Yes, this is the man whom Pojman awarded for his “Courageous Defense of Life”. 

This year Jonathan Stickland is the establishment’s top target and his primary challenger has clearly been hand-picked by the Austin establishment.    


Straus puppet Joe Projman’s close ally and good friend Scott Fisher is now seeking to oust true conservative Jonathan Stickland as State Representative for District 92.  I hope you will join me in supporting the re-election of true Conservative Jonathan Stickland  to the Texas House, because He is the guy that the Establishment wants gone!