Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Constitutional Carry and Cookies: Geren Mocks GOP Platform

Constitutional Carry and Cookies:

Geren Mocks GOP Platform


James Scott Trimm

I have repeatedly stated that in the dilemma between supporting the conservative principles of our Republican Platform and supporting a Rino nominee that works against our platform, I am forced to support our conservative principles.

One very good example of this dilemma involves the current race between Rino GOP nominee  Charlie Geren and his Pro-Life “Conservitarian” Libertarian challenger Dan Hawkins in Texas HD 99.

In 2014 the Texas GOP convention passed a party platform that contained the following language:

We collectively urge the legislature to pass “constitutional carry” legislation, whereby law-abiding citizens that possess firearms can legally exercise their God-given right to carry that firearm as well.

The 2014 Texas GOP platform also contained the following resolution declaring “Constitutional Carry” as legislative priority:


We call upon the 84th Texas Legislature to propose to the people of Texas a constitutional amendment to strike “; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime” from Article I, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution.

Further, we request the State Party Chair and the State Republican Executive Committee consider adoption of such an amendment and other legislation necessary to remove restrictions on Texans' right to own and bear arms a legislative priority for the Republican Party of Texas for the 2015 legislative session and to utilize reasonable Party resources necessary to promote and support their passage.

As most of you know, back in the 84th legislative session the Texas Legislature did not pass Constitutional Carry but instead only gave us licensed “Open Carry.”  We would not stand for a license to exercise our first amendment rights, but apparently the Texas Legislature believes we should have to have a license and pay a fee (tax) to exercise our Second amendment rights.

Even Open Carry passed only after a more than five hour debate.  Bob Price reported for Breitbart:

The most contentious debate came not from Democrats, but from Republican Jonathan Stickland (R-Bedford). Stickland was dismayed that he was not allowed to offer his amendment that would provide for what is called “Constitutional Carry.” This is the practice of many states where a person can carry openly or concealed, with or without a license. Stickland’s amendment was declared non-germane by the House Speaker and the parliamentarian.  Stickland went on a “parliamentary inquiry” barrage of questions that went on for nearly twenty minutes.
Stickland tried, but the Straus Cartel would have none of it.  One of Straus' known "lieutenants" in the House is Charlie Geren.  Geren detests conservatives in the House.  In one incident Charlie Geren actually wrapped a string around an oatmeal and raisin cookie and dragged it across the floor of the Texas House of Representatives in an attempt to “lure” Stickland away from the microphone.

Now Charlie Geren is being challenged in the General Election by Pro-Life Libertarian Dan Hawkins (no Democrat is running).  Hawkins is a former member of the Tarrant County Republican Party Executive Committee who resigned so he could run against Geren as a Libertarian.  Dan Hawkins unequivocally supports Constitutional Carry and if elected would certainly caucus with liberty caucus conservative Republicans. 

So in District 99 should a good Republican vote for a RINO who mocks the conservative principles of our platform, or a Pro-Life Libertarian who supports those same limited government, personal freedom principles?   I think the choice is clear!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Can the Right to Life be Protected- Must We Accept Roe vs. Wade?

Should the Right to Life be Protected- 
Must We Just Accept Roe vs. Wade?
James Scott Trimm

This is a very good question.  Faith Bussey, a fellow Tarrant County Pro-Life Activist and fellow member of the Tarrant County GOP Executive Committee put it this way "Life begins at conception and deserves government force to protect it from conception till natural death."

Truer words have never been spoken.  However you might be surprised to learn that Joe Pojman, the Director of Texas Allaince for Life, does not actually believe that.

Joe Pojman is the Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life.  The claimed mission of this organization is to “protect innocent human life from conception through natural death through peaceful, legal means.” And there was a time when this organization was true to its mission, but today the organization exists largely to give cover to politicians that are weak on pro-life issues.  While they are a pro-life, or at least anti-abortion group to an extent, they also often fight conservatives on end of life issues.  For example Pojman has empowered the healthcare lobby and hospitals to end the life of a patient without family permission.  and his Texas Alliance for life recently declared that euthanasia is “morally legitimate”. <click here

Back in 2010 Pro-Life activist Dan Hawkins had an online debate with Joe Pojman on this very question, should the Right to Life be protected by law?  At the time Dan Hawkins was also a member of the Tarrant County GOP Executive Committee.  In 2012 Hawkins resigned from his GOP position to run against Rino Charlie Geren for the HD99 Texas House seat as a Pro-Life Libertarian.

Dan is also a Pro-Life activist who, in 2013 went to Austin to testify for Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill (HB2/SB1), even testifying that it did not go far enough to protect the right to life in Texas.

Dan Hawkins Testifying in Senate Committee
In favor of Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill in 2013

At the TAL annual banquet last fall, in an insult to real pro-life conservatives, Joe Pojman and his organization actually gave Charlie Geren an award for his “Courageous Defense of Life”.

Geren is no courageous defender of life, and for that matter, neither is Joe Pojman!  In the 84th Session Geren made the Texas Right to Life  "Pro-Life fraud alert: Dishonorable Mentions List”.  And when Planned Parenthood came to Austin to lobby for money to murder babies in the womb, Jonathan Stickland put a sign (supplied by Texas Right to Life) on his office door identifying himself as a former fetus.

This drew the anger of Charlie Geren, who made the news (Star-Telegram March 11, 2015) when he ripped the pro-life sign from Stickland’s door and stormed into his office yelling at Stickland’s staff.

The debate went as follows:

Joe Pojman "Once again the legal personhood of the unborn child has been upheld in Texas so that our legislature can protect mothers and unborn babies from violent crimes," says Joe Pojman, Ph.D., executive director of Texas Alliance for Life. "Although the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade opinion forbids Texas from protecting unborn children from abortion, we believe the Prenatal Protection Act creates a foothold for someday overturning Roe."

Lauro Antonio Garza Well Done! God bless you!

Dan Hawkins The Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade opinion forbids Texas from protecting unborn children from abortion only because we the people let it. When are we going to start insisting that our leaders stand against tyranny and injustice and for the inalienable right to life of ALL human beings?

Joe Pojman Dan, much as we want the Texas Legislature to provide legal protection for innocent unborn babies from the tragedy of abortion, the Legislature cannot because the US Supreme Court ties the hands of the Legislature and the Governor.

Check out pp. 2-3 of the article by noted pro-life legal scholar Paul Linton:

"More than 50 years ago, the Supreme Court, in a case involving the enforcement of the school-desegregation cases, stated that the Court’s interpretation of the United States Constitution is 'the supreme law of the land,' which is of binding effect on the states by virtue of the Supremacy Clause, art. VI, cl. 2."

Dan Hawkins So what you and Linton are saying is that we should just accept that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Constitution is the supreme law of the land because the Supreme Court says it is? I reject that, and our state leaders need to reject that as well. Thomas Jefferson, who I think carries much more intellectual weight than Paul Linton, once said that the Constitution is a compact between the states and that, "the government created by this compact was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself; since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers; but that, as in all other cases of compact among powers having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress."

Joe Pojman With all due respect to Mr. Jefferson, here's an interesting historical perspective: States may not unilaterally reject Supreme Court rulings. Like it or not, that's just not the way our United States are set up under the Constitution.

Dan Hawkins Well, I don't know who this Sanford Levinson is (the author of the American Statesman article), but given some of the opinions he expresses in the article, I just can't put much stock in what he says. For instance, he states, "I am quite bitterly critical of a number of defects in the Constitution and support a constitutional convention to correct them, but that does not change the fact, for example, that Wyoming has the same number of votes in the Senate as does California, or Vermont the same number of votes as does Texas." He completely misses the point about why Congress was split into two Houses in the Great Compromise. One House is supposed to represent the people, and that representation is based on population, etc. The other house (the Senate) is supposed to give equal representation to the States. The only constitutional defect in this arrangement is the 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913, which mandated direct election of the Senators by the people of the states (thus removing any say the State governments had in the federal government, and thus making the issue of nullification and the 10th Amendment even more important).

And not only that, but the article is about nullification of Federal law, and Roe v. Wade is not a law. It is a court opinion. The judicial branch, by definition, cannot make law. If you read my blog post at, you will see that what I am proposing is legislation based on arguments made in Roe V. Wade that will both protect the right to life of all human beings and adhere to the Constitution of the United States.

The U.S. Supreme Court has seized far too much power for itself, by declaring itself and its interpretation of the Constitution as the "supreme law of the land," and the other branches of government, both federal and state, have just stood by and allowed it. When you actually look at the Constitution, the Supreme Court doesn't even have authority over its own jurisdiction (Article III, Section 2 states that "In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the CONGRESS SHALL MAKE."). Unfortunately, I haven't seen Congress making any exceptions or regulations on the Supreme Court lately because they have abdicated so much power to them.

This attitude that decisions of the Supreme Corut have the effective force of a Constitutional amendment is what is wrong with so many things in our country and especially the pro-life movement. It is past time for someone in government, be it Congress, a state legislature, a governor, someone, to step up and take a stand against the Court for what is right and just. There is nothing more right and just than the abolition of legalized abortion and the protection of the right to life of preborn children.

Cathy Fountain Kerr "The Court noted that Roe v. Wade permits states to criminalize the homicide of an unborn child SO LONG AS THE LAW DOES NOT RESTRICT THE MOTHER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE HER PREGNANCY."
Let me get this straight: a person can be prosecuted if he commits murder on an unborn child, BUT the mother can do the same thing with no penalty at all. This is such bad law that it defies credibility! You cannot have it both ways (and I fully understand what I am saying here).

When, oh when, will this finallly be brought back into the light of day and exposed for the evil that it is?

Rick Ellis This is a farce, and no prolife law at all. Any law that ends with "then you can kill the baby" is not prolife.

This issue ends or fails at personhood.

to demand anything less than full personhood for the womb child is doomed.

Joe Pojman The Texas Prenatal Protection Act recognizes the personhood of the unborn child and allows the conviction and punishment of violent crimes against unborn children. That is a very good law. Texas has a moral obligation to protect as many unborn babies as we can while educating the public about the humanity of the unborn child, and we have done so. Many criminals are now behind bars for killing unborn babies, and the public learns about the personhood of unborn babies when they read about the convictions in the press.

The obstacle to protecting unborn from abortion is that Roe v. Wade -- among the very worst decisions by the US Supreme Court -- interprets the US Constitution in a way that prevents the Prenatal Protect Act from being applied in cases of abortion. That is the terrible inconsistancy of Roe. The majority of the Supreme Court does not care about the personhood of the unborn child. The majority only cares about garanteeing a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy, even though that means terminating an unborn child who is a clearly a legal person.

People need to know about the ruthless extremism of Roe.

How do we fix it? Simple. Replace pro-abortion justices wtih pro-life nominees. How do we do that? Replace Obama with a pro-life president in two years and vote in enough US Senators to approve the nominees.

Rick Ellis You are dead wrong Mr. Pojman, as pro-life has been for far to long. A simple act of congress over turns Roe, and puts the court back between the 4 corners of the constitution. Any law that says you get to kill babies, is not Prolife. Duncan Hunter has introduced it several times, but it was not allowed out of comity.

You are spreading mis information that is deadly to womb children.

for some one who brags about their education, you sure don't seem to know much.

Dan Hawkins Dr. Pojman, with all due respect, the status quo has been in effect for 37 years, and it isn't working. You say that fixing Roe v. Wade is easy: we just have to elect a pro-life President who would then nominate pro-life Supreme Court justices. But it isn't that simple. We've already had 8 years of Ronald Reagan and another 8 years of George W. Bush. Before Obama took office, 7 of the 9 Supreme Court justices had been nominated by Republican Presidents. And yet Roe v. Wade is still firmly entrenched in the minds of government officials and inteligentsia as having the force of a constitutional amendment.

It can take years for a case to reach the Supreme Court, and meanwhile, the make up of the Court is always changing. We cannot simply wait for a more favorable Court to come into being and then try challenging Roe v. Wade with another court case. Said court case may not even make it to the Court. And in the meantime, how many more babies will be slaughtered while we take this wait and see approach?

Abolitionists in the 1850s did not sit around saying, "Well, we need to get the Dred Scot decision overturned." No, they were very pro-active. They advocated the use of state nullification against federal fugitive slave laws; they pushed for legislation that would free the slaves. And after the southern states seceeded from the Union, the top abolitionist of his day issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

What I am proposing is that our state legislature enact laws which fully recognize that life -- HUMAN life -- begins at the moment that sperm merges with that egg. This new legislation should recognize that the term "person" applies to all human beings from fertilization to natural death. The Prenatal Protection Act of 2003 was a good start, but it left a glaring uncontitutionality in the Texas Penal Code. It said that preborn babies are persons but that expectant mothers and their abortionists could murder these persons at will. The bill I am suggesting would both correct this unconstitutionality and provide full protection of the right to life of all human beings. It would shut down every abortuary in the state. And when NARAL and Planned Parenthood challenge the new law in court, our state should vigorously defend it to the bitter end.

You are for maintaining the status quo even though the status quo has resulted in the slaughter of 50 million children over the past 37 years. That's wrong. Those of us who advocate personhood laws cannot and will not accept this. How many more children will be slaughtered while pro-life organizations cringe in fear of this massive federal government and its seemingly all-powerful Supreme Court?

You say that this abdication of power to the Supreme Court is just the way it is (and you link me to articles written by people with silly ideas like calling for a new constitutional convention when what we really need is a federal government that only operates within the constraints of our present Constitution). I am glad that people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and others did not simply say, "Well, that's just the way it is..."

<End of Debate>

Dan Hawkins is 100% right!  Every human life deserves to be protected by law from the moment of conception until natural death. 

The Supreme Court has become the final interpreter of the Constitution for one simple reason: because they say they are.  The Supreme Court usurped this authority, claiming it for itself in 1803 in Marbury v. Madison.  Nowhere does the Constitution assign this role to the Supreme Court, they simply have it because they say they do,

The Supremacy Clause

The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution says:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.
(Article 6; Clause 2)

Note that it is the Constitution, not the federal government that is the “supreme law of the land”.  The Constitution is not the same thing as the federal government.  The Constitution is the instrument that creates and restrains the federal government, it is not the federal government itself.

The Constitution is also not the same thing as the Supreme Court.  And in fact the Supreme Court is not even mentioned in the Supremacy Clause.

To the contrary Thomas Jefferson wrote:

“…this [federal] government, created by this compact [the Constitution], was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself, since that would have made its discretion, and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers; but that, as in all other cases of compact among powers having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress."
(Thomas Jefferson; Kentucky Resolution 1798)

And James Madison wrote:

"…the powers of the federal government as resulting from the compact to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact, as no further valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that, in case of a deliberate, palpable, and dangerous exercise of other powers, not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to interpose, for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining, within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties, appertaining to them."
(James Madison; Virginia Resolution of 1798)

The Constitution is a compact between a given state, and the other states in the Union. Just as when two foreign powers, for example France and Great Britain enter into a compact, each party has a right to determine for itself its own understanding of the terms of the compact. Likewise each state maintains the right to determine for itself its own understanding of meaning of the terms of the Constitution. This does not conflict with the Supremacy Clause because it is the Constitution (but not the Federal Government ) which is the Supreme Law of the land.

Not only does the Constitution not mention the US Supreme Court in the Supremacy Clause, the Constitution indicates that it is State judges who are expected to determine if a state law is constitutional saying “…and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding.”

The Tenth Amendment

The Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution reads:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people

This means that the federal government (the Supreme Court included) does not have any power that the states have not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution.  No where in the Constitution do the states delegate to the Federal Government the power to determine for themselves whether or not they deem a state law to be Constitutional, or to determine for itself what it understands the Constitution to mean.

As Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"That the several states composing the United States of America are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government; but that, by compact, under the style and title of a Constitution for the United States, and of amendments thereto, they constituted a general government for special purposes, delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving, each state to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self-government; and that whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force; that to this compact each state acceded as a state, and is an integral party, its co-States forming, as to itself, the other party;…”
(Thomas Jefferson; Kentucky Resolution 1798)

(The states also never delegated the authority to the federal government the power to regulate abortion, require its citizens to purchase healthcare, or define marriage.)

So how do we reclaim our state’s sovereignty?  How do we reclaim the right to determine for ourselves whether or not our state laws are constitutional?  How do we reclaim the right to be the final authority for our own state’s understanding of the Constitution?  Surely any law our state passes that reclaims its sovereignty will be declared unconstitutional by the federal government, since they have developed their own precedence on the issue.

The answer is, in much the same way that the Supreme Court claimed this authority for itself.  We simply say so.  We simply pass an act that, as a matter of enforceable and implemented law, Texas determines for itself whether or not our laws are Constitutional.

This means the federal courts will also have no power to find the Texas Sovereignty Act itself unconstitutional, because the law itself takes that decision out of their hands and places it in those of our state.

This is the only true path to Texas sovereignty.  Any effort that leaves the matter ultimately in the hands of federal courts will fail, because they will simply declare it unconstitutional (though their own usurped power to do so is itself unconstitutional).

We can no longer afford to pass meaningless non-binding sovereignty resolutions.  We can no longer afford to pass meaningless sovereignty or nullification laws, and then ask the federal courts if they are constitutional.

We must pass a Texas Sovereignty Act that claims for Texas the power to determine whether or not it, or any other Texas law is Constitutional, as well as determine for our own state whether or not federal laws or actions are constitutional (and especially if they are delegated powers or usurped powers).

This is why the Tarrant County SD 9 Republican Convention recently passed a platform that says in part:

“And we also require the Texas Legislature to pass binding legislation claiming and enacting the right of our state to judge for itself whether a state law is unconstitutional, or whether a federal law, policy, action or ruling is unauthorized or undelegated by the U.S. Constitution.”

Faith Bussey is right “Life begins at conception and deserves government force to protect it from conception till natural death."

We can overturn Roe vs. Wade in Texas and take our state’s Sovereignty back!

Don’t listen to the Joe Pojman’s of the world who tell you that we must compromise human life and accept Roe vs. Wade. 

If you are a delegate to the Texas State GOP Convention help make sure that the above language makes it into the State platform, even if it takes an amendment on the floor of the general assembly (that is how it made it into the SD9 platform).

And if you are in House District 99 DO NOT vote for Pojman’s man Rino Charlie Geren.   The true pro-life candidate in District 99 is Pro-Life Libertarian Dan Hawkins. 

Why I am Supporting Joel Downs for Hurst Mayor

Why I am Supporting Joel Downs for Hurst Mayor
James Scott Trimm

I have lived my entire life (nearly half a century) in Hurst, I have been a registered voter in Hurst for my entire adult life and I am serving as GOP Precinct Chair for precinct 3176 in Hurst.

As a conservative I have a core set of values and beliefs about the limited role of government, and personal liberty, which serve as my guide.  These principles are applicable on every level of government, including municipal government. 

Joel Downs is running on a number of issues that resonate with my conservative values of limited government, personal liberty and self determination.

One major issue in this election is our Second Amendment rights.  Our Mayor, Richard Ward, is an anti-gun activist. (see my recent blog on this click here) Ward is one of only seven Texas Mayors to sign onto Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a coalition of over 1,000 mayors that support gun control.  Ward has traveled the country, using his title as Mayor of Hurst, to campaign for gun control nationwide!  He even bragged to the New York Times that he had gotten over 100 letters from his NRA member constituents asking him to leave MAIG but that he kept getting re-elected. The Times says that he "chuckled" while saying this.  That's right, Richard Ward has literally been laughing at us for not voting him out of office! 

Another issue is the red light cameras in Hurst.  I am convinced that the majority of residents in Hurst do not want these cameras.  I do not believe that a properly limited government should press these red light cameras upon citizens that do not want them.  To me, this is offensive to my values of freedom and self-determination of the people of our city.  In the next mayoral term our red light camera contract will be up for renewal.  Richard Ward helped bring red light cameras to Hurst, but Downs pledges to try to eliminate them.

One of those core values is that government must live within its means.  If possible, government (on all levels) should avoid borrowing, and even establish a “rainy day fund” for future lean years.  However, the City of Hurst has been borrowing at an alarming rate, despite having a healthy tax base.  The city is now nearly 100 million dollars in debt!  We must not let this trend continue.  We have seen what has happened to cities that have run themselves into heavy debt. 

Joel Downs wants to begin the process of reining in this debt, and this definitely resonates with my conservative values.

Joel also emphasizes personal liberty and encourages capitalism.  These are also core conservative values which go hand in hand with limited government, and would do much to encourage new business growth in areas of Hurst that definitely need it.

Mr. Downs is not the establishment candidate.  He offers positive change.   It is time for change, for new blood, and for a course correction toward conservative values that reflect those of the majority of the residents of our city.  And that is why I am supporting Joel Downs for Mayor.  I hope that you will join me.

You can Visit Joel Down's Campaign Website at

Saturday, March 19, 2016

A Great Victory Today for the Texas Sovereignty Act!

A Great Victory Today for the Texas Sovereignty Act!
James Scott Trimm

Today was a good day for the Texas Sovereignty Act.  As you all know, I have written you in the past about the need for Texas to pass a Texas Sovereignty Act to claim our Constitutional right for our state to determine for itself whether or not a Texas law is Constitutional, or whether or not a Federal law, policy, executive action or legal ruling is Constitutional.  If you have not read my blog: How Texas Can Reclaim Our Sovereignty <click here> you should definitely read it. 

I am delighted to report that language supporting the Texas Sovereignty Act has been included in the SD9 Republican platform under the Sub Heading "Reaffirm Texas Sovereignty as Reserved Under the 10th Amendment, United States Constitution" as follows:

"We require the Texas Legislature to ignore, oppose, refuse, and nullify any act of any branch of the federal government which infringes upon the states' or people's Constitutionally protected rights in accordance with the 10th Amendment. And we also require the Texas Legislature to pass binding legislation claiming and enacting the right of our state to judge for itself whether a state law is unconstitutional, or whether a federal law, policy, action or ruling is unauthorized or undelegated by the U.S. Constitution.  Police power is reserved to the states by the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, all federal law enforcement activities conducted in Texas must be conducted under the auspices of the county sheriff with jurisdiction in that county."
The platform also states that “Texas Sovereignty / 10th Amendment” legislation should be a legislative priority in the 85th Legislative Session.

Now this platform will be sent up to the State Convention for consideration there!  If you are a delegate to the state convention, please help make sure this key language makes it into our state platform! 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

An Effort to Circumvent a Tarrant County Election?

An Effort to Circumvent a Tarrant County Election?
James Scott Trimm

One of the most decisive countywide victories in the Tarrant County Primary was the election of Tim O’Hare for Tarrant County GOP Chair.  Tim won 67% of the vote, a much greater margin than most other winners in our 2016 primary.  David Wylie, Tim’s opponent, was a class act in calling Tim that night to graciously congratulate him on his win.  But not everyone that opposed Tim’s election would be so gracious.

Tim was endorsed and supported by a wide range of key conservative party leaders, far to numerous to list here.  They included leaders of the local Tea Party and 912 groups, Republican Elected Officials, Conservative Talk Radio Hosts, Home School and Religious liberty groups etc.  You can click here to see the list on Tim’s website. (In full disclosure, I myself endorsed Tim O’Hare.)

Some individuals who opposed Tim have now attempted to cast Tim’s victory as a fluke, comparable to the strange election ofRobert Morrow as County Chair of the Travis County GOP.  This is a completely unfair comparison.  Unlike Morrow, Tim had the support of many party leaders and very wide margin. The people knew who Tim was because he was substitute Conservative Talk Show host in the area.  Tim’s victory was no fluke, it was a very decisive, conscious decision of the voters.

A Conspiracy?

While most of the party was behind Tim, a small group within the inner circle of the Executive Committee of the Tarrant County Republican Party were not so happy with the prospect of Tim O’Hare as a leader. 

Two months ago (back in January) information was leaked to me that "the people who normally make the rules" in the TC GOP EC had a plan that if Tim O'Hare was elected, to change the rules to "strip the county chair of any real power". Now as a blogger I do not want to reveal my source, and I have kept names out of it, so lets just call this a rumor.

Now, since the election Aaron Harris of Direct Action Texas (who was not my source back in January) has dropped a bomb posting:

It's unfortunate how the Ron Paulers in Tarrant County, the very ones who claim to not like central control and bureaucracy, are now working to create an "executive committee within the executive committee" to centrally control everything - and of course name themselves to said committee. They believe they and they alone have the definition of what the party should be and therefore should protect it from the incoming chair, who was elected with 67% of the republican vote.

It is offensive to me, and should be to everyone who voted for Tim O'Hare, that Bill Eastland and Jeremy Blosser, think they know what is best and want to name themselves rulers of the party. Oh how times have changed with these folks and the hypocrisy is very telling.

Jeremy Blosser responded to this allegation saying:

I appreciate those of you that have contacted me directly to ask what, if any, of this is true. As I said at the meeting Saturday, we will handle the rules recommendations for next cycle the same way we always do, with the *elected* Rules Committee meetings you all are welcome to attend and testify at and view the votes of, and with chair-elect Tim O'Hare letting us know what he'd like to see. Ultimately, the recommendations he makes to the EC for rule changes will be whatever he chooses.

By the grace of God, I remain as committed to transparency and fairness as I always have been. If you have questions, please just call, or attend the meetings and participate once they are scheduled.

Yesterday I spoke for two and a half hours with Bill Eastland who was very honest and upfront about his intentions, denying that it was ever a “secret” or a “conspiracy”.  Bill expressed to me that he had his concerns about Tim O’Hare and admitted openly that in his “ideal world” he would like try to push through rules changes that would transfer all of the non-statutory powers of the County Chair to a Steering Committee and to make the County Chair nothing more than a figure head and spokesperson for the party.  Bill and I debated this for hours and agreed to disagree. 

Circumventing an Election?

Tim O’Hare was supported by a large number of conservative leaders and won the election by a very wide margin, getting 67% of the vote.  This wide of a margin with this kind of endorsement support is what is commonly known as a “mandate”.  The voters have spoken loudly and clearly.  It would be just plain wrong for an inner circle of the Tarrant County Executive Committee to now rewrite the rules so as to circumvent the results of this election by radically redefining the office of Tarrant County Chair and attempt to strip it of powers after the election is over!  To strip the office of County Chair of its powers and transfer those powers to an elite inner circle within the Executive Committee is wrong!

The best possible way for someone to prove this rumor was true, would be for the inner circle to try to move forward with this plan.  Lets let Tim O'Hare do the job he was elected by the people to do!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Should Republicans Vote for a Libertarian in House District 99?

Should Republicans Vote for a Libertarian in House District 99?
James Scott Trimm

I am a Republican, and I have been a Republican my entire adult life and I am a big supporter of the Republican Party, and as a member of the Executive Committee of the Tarrant County Republican Party I am part of the Republican Party.  So it is with sadness that I say that as a party we have failed to provide the voters of Texas House District 99 with a viable conservative choice. 

When I took the job of Republican Precinct Chair, I promised myself I would not get so caught up in party politics as to sell out my foundational Conservative principles.

There is a statement attributed to the political establishment that “there are times that a man must rise above his principles.”  May I never find myself more loyal to "the party" than to my conservative principles.

I am a Conservative

I was raised up as a conservative Democrat and turned eighteen right in the middle of the Reagan Revolution to become a conservative Republican. The object lesson for me from Reagan was that I am a conservative first, and a party member second.

When one becomes more loyal to party nominees than to the party platform, that is when one has crossed over and become "the Republican Establishment". 

I am loyal to the Republican party, but as a Conservative activist, my primary allegiance is to the conservative Republican Party platform, and not to Rinos who tend to vote against our platform. But in District 99 the most conservative choice is not our Republican nominee, it is the Pro-Life Libertarian Dan Hawkins.  And I challenge my fellow Conservative activists in Texas in (and in Tarrant County especially) to stand up with me and support Dan Hawkins. 

If you are a Republican in House District 99 do not just check that “straight Republican” box.  Checking that box will mean voting for Liberal Rino Charlie Geren for State Representative.  Let not your heart be troubled.  No Democrat is running for State Representative for District 99, so there is no danger of splitting the vote and helping a Democrat get elected.

Charlie Geren is Not a Conservative

Charlie Geren is a tax, borrow and spend Liberal with one of the most liberal records of any Republican in the Texas House.  In fact Geren is known for being downright antagonistic to conservatives  in the Texas House to the degree of adolescent behavior.  The Dallas Observer has even reported:

Stickland aggravated House Speaker Joe Strauss (sic) and his allies so badly that at least two legislators saw Strauss (sic) ally Charlie Geren dangle a cookie on a string in front Strickland in a mocking attempt to lead him away from one of his frequent back-microphone stem-winders.
(Dallas Observer; Oct. 2nd 2015)

Charlie Geren has still not signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and has deplorable scores from major conservative groups:

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility scores him at just 65 and a Lifetime score of F

Young Conservatives of Texas gives him a Legislative ranking of just 43 and a lifetime score of 56.

The Texas Eagle Forum 2015 Scorecard gives him a score of just 61.

Geren is only the 56th most conservative legislator out of the 97 Republican House Representatives.

In the 84th Session Geren made the Texas Right to Life Dishonorable Mentions List and Chairman Geren also made the "Pro-Life fraud alert"

When Planned Parenthood came to Austin to lobby for money to murder babies in the womb, Jonathan Stickland put a sign (supplied by Texas Right to Life) on his office door identifying himself as a former fetus. This drew the anger of Charlie Geren, who made the news (Star-Telegram March 11, 2015) when he ripped the pro-life sign from Stickland’s door and stormed into his office yelling at Stickland’s staff.

A recent expose by Adam Cahnan revealed that Charlie Geren has received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from [gulp] the very liberal Texas Trial Lawyers Association.  

Dan Hawkins is a Conservative Libertarian 

Dan Hawkins is a Libertarian, and he is also the most conservative choice in District 99.  In an interview in Reason magazine Ronald Reagan once said "the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism… libertarianism and conservatism are traveling the same path".  In fact in a 60 Minutes interview Ronald Reagan said that his philosophy was essentially Libertarian and that “The conservative, so-called, is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny,”  Click on the video below to see his complete statement. 

Dan is very much a "Conservatarian" who would caucus with Liberty wing Republicans in the Texas House if elected. 

Dan is also a Pro-Life activist who, in 2013 went to Austin to testify for Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill (HB2/SB1), even testifying that it did not go far enough to protect the right to life in Texas. <click here>

Dan Hawkins Testifying in Senate Committee
In favor of Texas Omnibus Abortion Bill in 2013

 I have known Dan Hawkins for nearly ten years. Dan is a former Republican Precinct Chair.  In 2010 Dan campaigned for Matt Krause against Charlie Geren. In 2012 he felt he had no other choice but to resign his office as a Republican Precinct Chair and run against Charlie Geren as a Libertarian so as to provide the voters of District 99 with a Pro-Life “More Freedom, Less Government” choice in District 99. 

Some of Dan’s positions:

* Supports First Amendment Rights
* For border security and against amnesty.
* Against in-state tuition or welfare benefits for illegal immigrants.
* Supports Second Amendment Rights and the Constitutional Carry of Fire Arms.
* Against Obmacare and against Obamacare expansion
* Against Red Light Cameras
* Supports Elimination of state mandated vehicle inspections.
* Supports tougher Pro-Life legislation.

Here is what you can do to help:

DONATE to Dan’s campaign fund, for now send a private message through his campaign Facebook page to find out how.

VOLUNTEER.  Dan’s campaign will need volunteers to walk neighborhoods etc. (Again send a PM to his campaign page to volunteer)

SHARE this blog with others who live in Distinct 99, or who may have friends that live in District 99.

VOTE for Dan Hawkins, do NOT check the straight Republican box if you vote in District 99.

Remember, you do not have to live in District 99 to LIKE, DONATE, VOLUNTEER or SHARE!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Time for Hurst to Oust Anti-Gun Rights Mayor Ward!

Time for Hurst to Oust Anti-Gun Rights Mayor Ward!
James Scott Trimm

As I have said many times before in my blogs, the majority of voters in Hurst are conservatives.  Unfortunately, out of over 22,000 voters, only between 1,000 to 2,000 voters vote in our city elections.  The result has been that liberals are running our city.

One very good example of this is our Mayor Richard Ward.  The vast majority of Hurstonians strongly support gun rights in fact many are NRA members.  And most Hurstonians are shocked to learn that our Mayor uses his position as Mayor of our city to promote Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun agenda, and help lobby for anti-gun laws nationwide! 

Richard Ward is one of only seven Texas Mayors to sign onto Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a coalition of over 1,000 mayors that support gun control.  In an appearance on “Meet the Press,” Bloomberg announced that his intent is to counter the influence of the NRA.

When Richard Ward joined MAIG he signed the following statement of principle: "Keep lethal, military-style weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines off our streets."

In 2009 MAIG successfully lobbied against the enactment of the "Thune Amendment," which would have allowed interstate concealed carry of firearms by individuals who hold valid concealed carry permits (either issued by their home state or another state) in much the same way that our drivers licenses are recognized by other states.  Our Mayor supported this action by MAIG saying:

"...I do not want one state to be able to force another by federal law to allow them to carry a concealed weapon into another state ..."
(Richard Ward, Oct, 10th 2009)

Mayor Patricia Shontz (R) of Madeira Beach, Florida wrote, “I am withdrawing [from MAIG] because I believe the MAIG is attempting to erode all gun ownership, not just illegal guns.  Additionally, I have learned that the MAIG may be working on issues which conflict with legal gun ownership.”  She went on to say, “It appears the MAIG has misrepresented itself to the Mayors of America and its citizens.  This is gun control, not crime prevention.”

In a 2009 statement Mayor Richard Ward expressed his own opposition to the NRA saying: "…the NRA has totally brainwashed its members." (Richard Ward; Oct. 12, 2009)

 Not long ago Mr. Ward bragged that while he had gotten over 100 letters from his constituents who are NRA members, urging him to leave MAIG, he had refused to do so, and continued to be reelected.  Ward bragged:

“The next election I got 90 percent of the vote,” he said, chuckling. “After that I got 86 percent — they’re gaining on me!”
(New York Times; Jan. 17 2013)

Mayor Ward is laughing at his constituents for failing to remove him from office.

Hurst residents should know that our Mayor uses the title of the office to which our citizens have elected him, to stand firmly against gun rights nationwide!  This is despite the fact that the majority citizens he has been elected to represent support gun rights very strongly.  This amounts to a betrayal of the very citizens Mr. Ward was elected to represent.

Now Richard Ward is again asking for your vote for Mayor.  It is high time we stop the cycle of Ward asking for our vote and then laughing at us for voting him back into office.

Joel Downs supports the Second Amendment, and Joel will not laugh at your vote!  

On May 7th lets oust our anti-gun mayor and vote for Joel Downs as a pro-gun rights mayor for Hurst! 

(All quotes from Mayor Ward taken from Joel Downs Correspondence with Mayor Richard Ward )

Thursday, March 3, 2016

An Embarrassing Result of Texas GOP Primary


An Embarrassing Result of Texas GOP Primary
James Scott Trimm 

One very embarrassing result of the Tarrant County GOP Primary is the result of the House District 99 race in which Charlie Geren was re-nominated.  He does not face a Democrat challenger in November, but he does face a Libertarian challenger.

This has created an embarrassing situation for the GOP because the GOP nominee for this house seat is less conservative than his Pro-Life Libertarian challenger Daniel Hawkins!

Charlie Geren has one of the most liberal records of any Republican in the Texas house:

His Scores:

65 - Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, Lifetime score of F

43 - Young Conservatives of Texas Legislative ranking, lifetime score of 56.

61 - Texas Eagle Forum 2015 Scorecard

56th most conservative legislator of the 97 Republican House Representatives.

Texas Right to Life- 84th Session Dishonorable Mentions List, Chairman Geren made the "Pro-Life fraud alert"

While Geren famously went through the halls of the capital tearing down pro-life signs off of the doors of pro-life House members, his Libertarian challenger is a pro-life activist who went to Austin to testify for HB 2. 

Hawkins is actually a former member of the Tarrant County Republican Party Executive Committee (a former Republican Precinct Chair) and stands strongly for more freedom and less government! No doubt, if elected, Hawkins would caucus in the House with liberty wing conservative Republicans, while Geren has literally mocked them on the House floor (in one famous incident using a cookie on a string in a mocking attempt to lure conservative hero Jonathan Stickland from the mic). 

It is a sad day for the GOP when our nominee for a house seat is the most liberal choice on the ballot!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reflections on the 2016 Primary

Reflections on the 2016 Primary
James Scott Trimm

Stickland Defeats Fisher

Conservative hero Jonathan Stickland decisively overcame a challenge from establishment recruit Scott Fisher.  Stickland was my earliest endorsement in this election, and my Oct. 20th blog The Establishment’s Plan toOust Jonathan Stickland went viral and established this blog’s place in Texas Politics. 

Voters were clearly unimpressed with a pastor engaging in a despicable smear campaign against a fellow Christian. The Pastor never responded to my Open Letter on the issue: Rabbi Trimm to PastorFisher Concerning Evil Speech- An Open Letter.  Due to his antics, Fisher became a frequent topic of this blog over the last few months, and many of those blogs went viral, 

Sadly to the very end Pastor Fisher was unrepentant of his behavior, writing even after his loss: “I'm proud of the campaign we ran and have no regrets.”  During the campaign Fisher asked “does Stickland shock you?” but clearly voters were mostly just shocked by a pastor engaging in such a vicious smear campaign.

Jonathan Stickland campaigned on “More Freedom, Less Government” a philosophy that has guided him over the last four years and which he will bring to his service in the Texas House for the next two years.

The big winner here was WE THE PEOPLE!

Patricia Bacca Bennett Defeats Mike Sinha

One of my early endorsements in this election (second only to Stickland) was Patricia Bacca Bennet.  It is not easy to defeat a sitting judge, especially one who has held office for six years, but Patricia Bacca Bennet has done just that. 

Judge Sinha had been dubbed the “unconstitututional Judge” after a video surfaced of him saying:

"I have a lot lot of liberty and a lot of discretion as a district court judge when it comes to families.  The Family Code is fair.  And the District Court has the opportunity to do things that are Constitutional and unconstitutional."

We broke this story right here in a blog that went viral: Judge Sinha Claims Discretion to Act Unconstitutionally way back on Feb. 7th. 

The video even drew the attention of Glenn Beck who used it as an example of the importance of local elections.

The big winner here was We the People and our Constitution!

Bo French defeated by Charlie Geren

Well you cannot win them all.  Bo put up a very good fight against an entrenched establishment Rino.  “More Freedom, Less Government” will get a second bite at the apple in November as Geren is challenged by Pro-Life Libertarian Daniel Hawkins. 

Cook defeats McNutt

Byron Cook defeated Thomas McNutt in a real squeaker, by less than one percent of the vote!  I hope this sends a message to Cook, and let this be a reminder to all as to how important your vote is.

Tinderholt, Rinaldi and Zedler

Great conservative voices in the house who won their nomination and will serve us well in the House again in the 85th session.

Tim O’Hare

I endorsed Tim and he will serve as our new County Chair for the Tarrant County GOP.  I really look forward (as a member of the Executive Committee) to working with Tim to keep Tarrant County red and promote conservatism in our county. 

Bill Waybourn

Bill will be going into a run off election against incumbent Dee Anderson. Incumbents rarely win in run offs, so Waybourn has a  really good chance to win.  I did not endorse Waybourn, but I did put his sign in my yard.

Dabney Bassel and Brooke Allan

Both of these judicial elections will go into run offs, and both are likely to win, since incumbents rarely win in run off elections. (I endorsed both).

Texas Alliance for Life and Joe Pojman

One of the big losers in this election was Joe Pojman and his Texas Alliance for Life.  I have worked tirelessly in this blog to prove over and over again that TAL today exists largely to give cover to politicians that are weak on pro-life issues.  In this election cycle their endorsements carried very little weight, and in some races may well have been a kiss of death.    If you want t know a pro-Life candidate in Texas look for an endorsement by Texas Right to Life, an authentic Pro-Life organization, and do not be fooled by TAL.