Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Constitutional Carry and Cookies: Geren Mocks GOP Platform

Constitutional Carry and Cookies:

Geren Mocks GOP Platform


James Scott Trimm

I have repeatedly stated that in the dilemma between supporting the conservative principles of our Republican Platform and supporting a Rino nominee that works against our platform, I am forced to support our conservative principles.

One very good example of this dilemma involves the current race between Rino GOP nominee  Charlie Geren and his Pro-Life “Conservitarian” Libertarian challenger Dan Hawkins in Texas HD 99.

In 2014 the Texas GOP convention passed a party platform that contained the following language:

We collectively urge the legislature to pass “constitutional carry” legislation, whereby law-abiding citizens that possess firearms can legally exercise their God-given right to carry that firearm as well.

The 2014 Texas GOP platform also contained the following resolution declaring “Constitutional Carry” as legislative priority:


We call upon the 84th Texas Legislature to propose to the people of Texas a constitutional amendment to strike “; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime” from Article I, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution.

Further, we request the State Party Chair and the State Republican Executive Committee consider adoption of such an amendment and other legislation necessary to remove restrictions on Texans' right to own and bear arms a legislative priority for the Republican Party of Texas for the 2015 legislative session and to utilize reasonable Party resources necessary to promote and support their passage.

As most of you know, back in the 84th legislative session the Texas Legislature did not pass Constitutional Carry but instead only gave us licensed “Open Carry.”  We would not stand for a license to exercise our first amendment rights, but apparently the Texas Legislature believes we should have to have a license and pay a fee (tax) to exercise our Second amendment rights.

Even Open Carry passed only after a more than five hour debate.  Bob Price reported for Breitbart:

The most contentious debate came not from Democrats, but from Republican Jonathan Stickland (R-Bedford). Stickland was dismayed that he was not allowed to offer his amendment that would provide for what is called “Constitutional Carry.” This is the practice of many states where a person can carry openly or concealed, with or without a license. Stickland’s amendment was declared non-germane by the House Speaker and the parliamentarian.  Stickland went on a “parliamentary inquiry” barrage of questions that went on for nearly twenty minutes.
Stickland tried, but the Straus Cartel would have none of it.  One of Straus' known "lieutenants" in the House is Charlie Geren.  Geren detests conservatives in the House.  In one incident Charlie Geren actually wrapped a string around an oatmeal and raisin cookie and dragged it across the floor of the Texas House of Representatives in an attempt to “lure” Stickland away from the microphone.

Now Charlie Geren is being challenged in the General Election by Pro-Life Libertarian Dan Hawkins (no Democrat is running).  Hawkins is a former member of the Tarrant County Republican Party Executive Committee who resigned so he could run against Geren as a Libertarian.  Dan Hawkins unequivocally supports Constitutional Carry and if elected would certainly caucus with liberty caucus conservative Republicans. 

So in District 99 should a good Republican vote for a RINO who mocks the conservative principles of our platform, or a Pro-Life Libertarian who supports those same limited government, personal freedom principles?   I think the choice is clear!

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