Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Where Do Conservatives Go from Here?

Where Do Conservatives Go from Here?
James Scott Trimm

Well many of us are disappointed yesterday evening when Ted Cruz suspended his campaign, making Donald Trump the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party.  Conservative Constiutionalists are shocked and want to know what to do next.  Here are the answers:

DON’T STAY HOME – Even if you choose not to vote in the presidential elections in the General Election, don’t stay home.  We still have a lot of great local Republican candidates that need your vote.  Don’t underestimate the importance of local elections!  Here in Texas we are winning.  Two years ago in the statewide elections Tea Party candidates swept the nominations and elections.  We have a good conservative state and lets keep it that way. 

PASS THE TEXAS SOVEREIGNTY ACT- Now more than ever it is urgent to pass the Texas Sovereignty Act <click here>.   We must urge the Texas Legislature to ignore, oppose, refuse, and nullify any act of any branch of the federal government which infringes upon the states' or people's Constitutionally protected rights in accordance with the 10th Amendment. And we must also urge the Texas Legislature to pass binding legislation claiming and enacting the right of our state to judge for itself whether a state law is unconstitutional, or whether a federal law, policy, action or ruling is unauthorized or undelegated by the U.S. Constitution. 

- To those now telling me that I must support Trump or I will help Hillary win.... If Trump cannot win without the votes of Constitutional Conservatives who said all along we could never vote for him, then why did you insist on nominating a guy who could not beat Hillary? That's not my fault, its yours. Right now I am hoping that the Libertarians nominate Austin Petersen. He is a pro-life Libertarian with a background with Tea Party groups and Freedom Works. He is a Constutionalist and I can vote for him in good conscience.

In an interview in Reason magazine Ronald Reagan once said "the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism… libertarianism and conservatism are traveling the same path".  In fact in a 60 Minutes interview Ronald Reagan said that his philosophy was essentially Libertarian and that “The conservative, so-called, is the one that says less government, get off my back, get out of my pocket, and let me have more control of my own destiny,”  Click on the video below to see his complete statement. 

Here is my problem with Trump: When Trump says that he wants to make America great again (a slogan he stole from the Reagan campaign), he does not mean the same thing Ronald Reagan meant. Trump only speaks about America regaining its military and economic might. But these are not the things that truly made America great, and Ronald Reagan knew that. The things that made America great were our principles of limited government, personal freedom and faith based family values. When Trump speaks, I never hear him speak of downsizing government, to the contrary he speaks often of expanding federal powers. I never hear him speak about personal freedom, which always contracts when government expands. Trump has said that he believes three of the four most important roles of the Federal Government are education, healthcare and housing, none of which are delegated powers of the Federal Government in the Constitution which plainly states that all powers not delegated to the Federal Government are retained by the states and the people. To the contrary Trump talks of “getting rid of the lines around the states” (his words).  Some of you may not have understood my recent meme in which the Babylon 5 character Mr. Morden asks Donald Trump “What do you want?” 

In the TV series Babylon 5 the character Mr. Morden secretly worked for a group of ancient and malicious beings from the dawn of time known as “The Shadows”. He went to each of the ambassadors from the major worlds and asked them each “what do you want?” The Centauri ambassador Londo gives an answer Morden and his "associates" approve of: To restore the glory and power of the great Centauri Republic. This is sadly Trump’s mission… to restore the glory and power of America… not our Constitutional and faith based values, not our principles of more freedom and less government, but only our economic and military might. Without our values, that military and economic might is only a danger to us all. Without those values we are left only with a Powerful Federal Leviathon!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, who knew that securing our borders, the Trump wall, which will keep out illegals, drugs, Mexican cartels, terrorists was not a conservative value?
    Who knew that putting America first, not the globalist agenda, was not conservative? Even God is nationalistic, He divided the nations, and told Israel not to move their borders.
    Who knew that addressing the Muslim issue for what it is, is not conservative? Trump is the only one calling for screening immigrants, keeping those out with terrorist ties, and wiping out ISIS. Trump also will use methods such as waterboarding to get Intel that will protect American lives. But, that must not be conservative neither.
    Trump wants to hold NATO accountable, or get rid of our participation in it; He supports Israel, and their rights to build in Judea and Samaria, has even called for the US embassy to be moved to Jerusalem.
    Trump wants to abolish Obamacare, move it to private competitive insurance companies, supports the 2nd amendment, including arming our soldiers on bases, across the board conceal carry rights in all 50 states, and he doesn't support abortion.
    Please, do explain his non-Conservative viewpoints?
    The problem is that Trump doesn't speak communist talk, and views the problems this nation has straight on, and is not a career politician.

    Perhaps those that are #NeverTrump need to focus less on the Constitution being brought up by a candidate every other sentence, and understand that without security, a strong military, a strong economy, a strong Great America...there can be no Constitution, because we will cease to exist as a nation without the necessary things to protect our Constitutional freedoms!
