Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Libertarian Party Committed Suicide Today

The Libertarian Party Committed Suicide Today


James Scott Trimm

It was the perfect storm, a once in a lifetime opportunity for the Libertarian party.  The presumptive nominees of the two major parties are two statists who are two of the most unpopular nominees in American history.  On the left we have the rise of democratic socialism and on the right we have the rise of populist nativist nationalism. 

The stars had aligned and the Libertarians were finally being called up to bat.  Millions of Liberty minded conservative Republicans were looking for a viable option, and saw one in pro-life Constitutionalist Austin Petersen.  Mary Matalin endorsed him and Glenn Beck called him “my guy” and said Austin made his heart skip a beat.  Petersen was on the verge of building a potentially winning coalition, but first he would have to win the Libertarian Party nomination.

Today the Libertarians nominated their candidates for president and vice president and they did not nominate Austin Petersen.  Instead they nominated Gary Johnson for president and Bill Weld for vice President.

Gary Johnson is a moderate Republican Governor who was running for the GOP nomination in 2012 (against Ron Paul).  When his campaign was going nowhere he suddenly and conveniently switched parties, became a “Libertarian” and mesmerized the Libertarians into nominating him.  The Libertarians were delighted to have a two term former Governor as their nominee.  Of course he only got about 1% of the vote.

Gary Johnson is not an acceptable choice for conservative Republicans.  Johnson is pro-abortion and wants to fund Planned Parenthood, which makes him a non option for pro-life conservatives.   


Moreover Johnson is a radical enemy of the freedom of religion.  Johnson wants to require Christians (or Jews or Muslims) to be forced to bake cakes for gay weddings even if doing so violates their religious beliefs.  When asked if Jews should be forced to bake Nazi cakes, he said “yes” and when it was suggested by Petersen that clergy should not be forced to perform gay weddings, Gary argued against him, saying that freedom of religion had become an excuse to discriminate against homosexuals.  In other words, Johnson wants the LGBT to be a special protected class with special rights that would override the first amendment rights of others!

As for Bill Weld, he is a moderate Republican and former governor of Massachusetts who joined the Libertarian party just in time to run as their VP.  He has a history of supporting gun control.

This means the long term stagnation, if not the death of the Libertarian Party.  It could be decades, if ever, before they have an opportunity like the one they just threw away.  Moreover the Libertarian will get a lot of publicity end exposure during this election, and the face of the LP will be Gary Johnson and Bill Weld, which will do nothing but turn off Constutionalists.  By making Johnson their nominee for most of a decade, they have chosen to define themselves by his anit-Liberty positions.  And the Libertarian Party can not fall back on their local offices, because they repeatedly nominate candidates who are unwilling to do what it takes to actually win, so they hold few lower offices.

So now we have three statists running for president and no real options for Liberty loving, Right to Life Constitutionalists.  No other party is on the ballot in enough states to have the mathematical chance to win.

Here in Texas the Liberty wing of the GOP has been, and continues to be very successful.  Two years ago “Tea Party” candidates swept the statewide elections, and this year Liberty Conservatives gained seats in the Texas Senate and House.  Moreover, this year the Texas GOP has made Texas Sovereignty even over SCOTUS rulings, the party platform.

So even if you are not going to vote at all on the presidential ticket, it is very important that we support our Texas GOP candidates (except for HD 99 and HD 127 where I recently blogged in support of the LP candidates over the Straus allied RINOS). 

It is also important that we fight even harder for the Texas Sovereignty Act, because we will be faced, regardless of who wins the election, with a big government statist in the White House.



  1. Never underestimate the power of the Establishment!!!

  2. Never underestimate the power of the Establishment!!!

  3. I will still vote for them. They are better than what the other two parties have to offer. As far as Pro-choice and planned parenthood- both of the other candidates share those same views although Trump lies about what he really thinks on those issues.

  4. As a libertarian I do support abortion rights, so no issues here.

    I also support the freedome of association, which means that the cake baker can choose who they do business with andI would like the presidential candidate to say that. However, I do not support any exemptions from laws based on religious grounds, so as long as a baker is not allowed to refuse to bake a cake for a potential customer because he doesn't like the color of their t-shirt, we should not be allowed to do that only because an imaginary friend (aka God) told them so.

    1. The first amendment prohibits the government from determining that God is an "imaginary friend". The first amendment, by its nature, requires an exemption from laws because it says "congress shall make no law..." any law congress makes which would conflict with freedom of religion is therefore null and void. Finally, homosexuals, and people who wear certain colored shirts, are not protected classes under the Civil Rights Act.

    2. "Freedom of religion means freedom to hold an opinion or belief, but not to take action in violation of social duties or subversive to good order." Reynolds v. United States (1878)

    3. You obviously do not understand the context of Eynolds v. the US or you would not quote it here.

  5. The Libertarian Party is not an anti-abortion party. In fact, it is officially pro-choice. The party platform says "government should be kept out of the matter."

    Gary Johnson supports legalized abortion, but does not support government funding for abortions.

    1. While it is sadly true that the LP platform supports abortion, it is also true that it is an issue of no small contention in the LP and that there are many pro-life Libertarians. In fact when the abortion plank passed in the recent convention, it was not without substantial opposition. As for funding abortion, Johnson has plainly stated that he supports funding Planned Parenthood.

    2. I have added documentation proving that Johnson supports funding Planned Parenhood.

  6. Washington is broken and the two party system is corrupt. If you agree with those two statements, you should focus on state and local races and work for those that will enforce the constitution. If you want a viable non-corrupt, constitution-supporting party in Texas, you need to come help us build the Libertarian Party. History is made by those who show up. If you want the Libertarian Party to be a constitutional libertarian party, you have to show up and vote in its conventions to elect leadership with that vision, for candidates who support it, and for the platform you think will best advance it. In addition to the state rep races James mentions, in 2016, Texas Libertarians have the best candidates for Railroad Commission and statewide judicial races, so everyone should cast votes for them.

  7. If he doesn't claim to be Libertarian, then voting for him will for sure mean nothing.

  8. So I have watched a bunch of the Libertarian debates and have seen a bunch of Gary Johnson interviews and I cant help but think he is brain damaged. I am not being mean I am serious. He always seems confused and fidgety and looks surprised by every question. Then he only repeats the same memorized talking points even when they aren't what was asked. I have also repeatedly seen him answer questions by saying yes, no, or I don't know,I don't understand the concept, or that goes over my head. He has even said he doesn't understand the NAP. Well I don't understand how somebody with his level of intelligence is running for president... Or how he was possibly Governor unless he suffered a suffered a serious head injury after his term. He even seems immature like many people who has suffered from serious brain trauma. Was choosing him some sort of plot to discredit 3rd parties?
