Thursday, April 14, 2016

Dishonest Star-Telegram Guts Letter to Editor

Dishonest Star-Telegram Guts Letter to Editor
James Scott Trimm

The liberal rag known as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Startle-gram) has done it again!  I wrote a letter to the editor intended to hilight the fact that Hurst Mayor Richard Ward is an anti-gun activist and that his opponent Joel Downs support our Second Amendment rights.  So the Star-Telegram dishonestly edits my letter and removes the core issue.  Here is the letter I wrote:

I have lived in Hurst for all of my fifty years.  As a conservative I have values about the limited role of government, and personal liberty, applicable on every level of government.

Joel Downs is running for Mayor of Hurst on a platform of limited government, personal liberty and self-determination, principles that the kind of new business growth that south east Hurst badly needs.

Hurst Mayor Richard Ward is a gun control activist.  Ward is one of seven Texas Mayors to join Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), a coalition of mayors who support gun control.  Ward uses his position as Mayor to campaign for gun control measures nationwide.  In a Jan. 17 2013 New York Times interview, Ward laughed at our citzens for failing to vote him out of office over this issue.

Mr. Downs offers positive change, a course correction to conservative values that reflect those of the majority of our residents of our city.

- James Scott Trimm

And here is the letter the Fort Worth Startle-Gram printed:

I’ve lived in Hurst all of my 50 years.

As a conservative I have values about the limited role of government and personal liberty, applicable to every level of government.

Joel Downs is running for mayor of Hurst on a platform of limited government, personal liberty and self-determination, principles for the kind of new business growth that southeast Hurst needs.

Downs offers positive change, a course correction to conservative values that reflect those of the majority of residents of our city.

James Scott Trimm,


The letter that the Startle-Gram printed systematically edits out all referees to the gun rights issue!  I barely recognize the letter they printed after the gutted the single most important issue in it in their biased effort to sanitize an anti-gun activist!

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