Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Scott Fisher's Secret Obamacare Agenda

Scott Fisher's Secret Obamacare Agenda
James Scott Trimm

In the recently released financial reports, Scott Fisher’s largest single contributor by far was the Texas Medical Association’s TEXPAC which has funneled literally thousands of dollars into Fisher’s campaign, totally more than ten percent of his total financial support!

Not only is TEXPAC pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia and pro-death panel, but TEXPAC is also a big pusher for bringing Obamacare to Texas! 

So why is TEXPAC pouring thousands of dollars into the Fisher campaign?  And why did TEXPAC recently announce that they are endorsing Fisher (as well as Geren, Cook, Straus and others)?

Well today Empower Texans has published documents which they have uncovered showing that at the very same time Stickland was fighting to keep Obamacare out of Texas, Scott Fisher (serving as “past board chair”) of Taxpayer funded JPS Health Network, was fighting to bring Obamacare to Texas. 

Tony McDonald of the Texas Scorecard reports:

Documents uncovered by Texas Scorecard reveal that in April 2013, Scott Fisher urged fellow JPS board members to pass a resolution “supporting Medicaid expansion for Texas” under the provisions of ObamaCare.

Scott Fisher’s ObamaCare resolution passed the JPS board just one week after Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R–Bedford) led the fight against an amendment to the state budget that would have implemented the program. The liberal leadership of the Texas House brought an amendment to the budget implementing the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion before conservatives, led by Stickland, turned the effort back.

Fisher claims to champion the second amendment (though Stickland has the NRA endorsement), Fisher claims to be against illegal immigration (though he is endorsed by BacPac) and he claims to be the pro-life candidate (though his biggest contributor is TEXPAC and Stickland has the Texas Right to Life endorsement).  So if Fisher claims to stand for all of the things that Stickland has already been standing for, why run?  Well his hidden agenda is now revealed.  Scott Fisher wants to bring Obamacare to Texas!

The Empower Texans article goes on to say:

Expanding Medicaid under Obamacare is the number one healthcare platform plank of the Texas Democratic Party. No wonder then that Democrats have also been working with the Scott Fisher campaign to fuel nasty personal attacks against Stickland.

As we broke the news in this very blog, Fisher’s campaign has resorted to working with a known Democrat Operative to obtain “dirt” for their despicable smear campaign against conservative hero Jonathan Stickland.

Do not let these mud slingers succeed in replacing a true conservative with an Austin Establishment, Democrat backed recruit who wants to bring Obamacare to Texas!


  1. James, Wow - I deleted my comment...ugh!!! I am looking for documentation on Scott Fischer's involvement in funneling $10 million dollars to one contractor while on the Board of JPS; and, information regarding his involvement recently in trying to pass a billion-dollar bond issues to 'rehab' JPS with out taxpayer knowledge or approval. Thanks - Sherry Gregory - Mia to my grandchildren...

  2. Scott Fisher's Obamacare revised resolution did pass the JPS board with a unanimous vote. What Empower Texans failed to mention is the text of the Obamacare resolution. The resolution was an anti-Obamacare resolution. Empower Texans is flat out twisting the facts to make Scott look like he supported Obamacare when, in fact, he has not.

    1. Well you are welcome to provide the complete text of the resolution, however Empower Texans is standing behind their story. If they print a retraction let me know, in the mean time.... the story stands.

  3. Rabb Trimm
    Jonathan's supporters are hurting Stickland's chances to win by lying about the Obamacare stuff. Several people I know have moved from Strickland because of the lie. Scoot oppose the Obama/Medicaid thing. Please read the board minutes . SCott and the board was being pressured to approve the Obamacare/Medicaid deal but Scott and others stopped it As some people say Pants Shame on fire!!! Shame on a Rabbi for promoting a falsehood.

    Doyle Little

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Nothing false about it. In fact I wrote another blog showing that the grammar used in the resolution proves the "pants on fire liberal media interpretation of the resolution wrong. http://jamestrimmthoughts.blogspot.com/2016/02/grammar-in-fisher-resolution-is.html

    3. This followup blog includes a facsimile of the actual resolution http://jamestrimmthoughts.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-gig-is-up-fisher-lied-about.html

  4. And this timeline is also helpful. http://jamestrimmthoughts.blogspot.com/2016/02/a-timeline-of-fishers-obamacare-lies.html
