Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Star-Telegram Endorses Fisher, then Torpedoes him!

Star-Telegram Endorses Fisher, then Torpedoes him!
James Scott Trimm

The liberal rag known as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram (or as some say, the Startlegram), a paper that endorsed Obama, has now endorsed Scott Fisher.  However having endorsed him, they immediately turned around and unwittingly torpedoed their own endorsee.

Last week Empower Texans published documents which they have uncovered showing that at the very same time Stickland was fighting to keep Obamacare out of Texas, Scott Fisher (serving as “past board chair”) of Taxpayer funded JPS Health Network, was fighting to bring Obamacare to Texas. 

Fisher responded to the claim quickly and defensively claiming:

This claim is a total fabrication! I am a long-time conservative Republican and have opposed Obama and Obamacare from its inception. Empower Texans failed to check the facts, and facts are pesky things! A resolution was presented to the JPS Board of Managers to encourage the Texas Legislature to call for Medicaid expansion in Texas. I totally opposed the resolution, introduced an anti-Obamacare resolution and that resolution was the "revised resolution" that passed unanimously.

However Fisher refused to produce the actual resolution.  Earlier this week Empower Texans obtained and published Fisher’s actual revised resolution, which Fisher himself had refused to present. 

It turns out that the supposedly “anti-Obamacare resolution” asks the state "...to seek all possible options to adequately fund uncompensated and uninsured care for indigent Texans..." and opens by stating "Whereas, the Affordable Care Act [Obamacare] would add more that a million Texans living near or below the poverty line to Medicaid coverage... "  This is NOT an anti-Obamacare resolution by any definition of the terms! 

Just today Fisher was asked by a voter on his own Facebook page “Why do they continue to say you pushed for it [Medicaid Expansion via Obamacare]? This is very confusing to the average voter.

Fisher dug in his heals insisting “Because TRUTH does not matter to them! Tell a lie, tell it often, and hope it sticks...total desperation, "Hail Mary" pass.”

But the facts are the facts, and the Star-Telegram article did not try to deny the documented truth that Fisher in fact voted for this resolution and they did not try to deny that the resolution called for an Expansion of Medicaid.  Instead the Star-Telegram engaged in a defense of Fisher’s support for Obamacare Expanded Medicaid, saying:

Fisher is dogged by a 2013 hospital board resolution asking the Legislature for more money to fund indigent care, listing as one “possible option” to include more Texans in federal Medicaid.

It is reasonable for a county hospital trustee to ask the Legislature for more money for indigent care, particularly when many patients come from other counties that never contribute a dime.

Now it is no surprise that the liberal Star-Telegram finds it reasonable for Fisher as a county hospital trustee to ask the state to expand Medicaid through Obamacare, but the problem is that Fisher is not trying to claim that his vote was justified, instead he has lied repeatedly insisting that the resolution was not only not asking for Expanded Medicaid through Obamacare, but was actually an anti-Obamacare resolution! 

The Star-Telegram has just torpedoed their own endorsee by exposing him as a liar, as well as exposing his support for Obamacare expansion in Texas (which he has been trying so hard to hide)!

The fact is that District 92 voters do not support the expansion of Obamacare in Texas!  Fisher knows this is true, which is why he has lied about his support for Obamacare.

Fisher has a history of voting to support Obamacare, and his largest single contributor has been the pro-Obamacare PAC of the Texas Medical Association, TEXPAC.

Fisher supports Obamacare, TexPac knows he supports it, and the Star-Telegram knows he supports it, he just does not want District 92 voters to know he supports Obamacare and so he has been willing to say anything to get elected!

Jonathan Stickland is the true conservative, do not be fooled by the outright lies of his challenger!

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