Thursday, February 22, 2018

Munford's Awkward Denial Makes False Claims

Munford's Awkward Denial Makes False Claims
James Scott Trimm

After nearly a month of awkward silence on the issue, James Munford issued a Facebook video yesterday, finally denying the allegations by his ex-wife Denia Mendenhall, that before and during their marriage he abused and sexually assaulted her.  Munford also states that he has never "laid a hand on" his current wife, though he did not directly address claims made by Terry Munford's close friend Chris Arrington who said just yesterday that he still fears for Terry's safety.   Arrington recently revealed that James Munford's current wife Terry Munford had told him that she was terrified of her husband.

The three and a half minute video is clearly edited with several "jumps" visually evident.  Terry Munford is sitting next to her husband but never says a word.  Throughout the video she appears to be uncomfortable and one point even looks away from her husband.  It is so awkward that it is almost painful to watch.

 Terry Munford is silent and looks away from
 her husband as he denies abuse allegations.

In the video Munford falsely accuses his opponent of being responsible for the publicity concerning the allegations of his ex-wife.  The truth is that Munford's opponent, Jennifer Moore, has never had any involvement with this story.  The allegations from his ex-wife were published in my own independent blog, and later in campaign ads published by a PAC which specifically state that they are "not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee."   Munford knows this and is being dishonest in falsely ascribing these to his opponent when he knows she has nothing to do with them.

Munford also makes an unsubstantiated claim that Jennifer Moore, her "backer" and "other agents" "have threatened and bullied" his wife, friends and supporters.  This claim is completely unfounded.  I have never threatened or bullied Terry Munford and I don't believe anyone associated with the Moore campaign or anyone associated with any PAC involved in this race has either. 

In the video Munford makes the false claim: "They have sought out my ex-wife from over forty years ago and persuaded her to make false allegations that I abused her during our marriage."  Munford makes this wild claim even though elsewhere in the video he admits he has no idea if it is true, saying "I don't know the circumstances under which my ex-wife agreed to make these statements.

In fact Denia Mendenhall had posted on the Gavelbangers wesbsite back in September 2017 saying:

“In the mid 70’s I was married to Jim Munford.  He was a viscous abuser and I wound up divorcing him.  That he ever became a judge is that I failed, out of fear, to report him to the police.”

I stumbled upon her post while researching Munford back in November of 2017 and called her in January 2018 and wrote my blog after speaking with her for the better part of an hour.  Moreover Denia Mendenhall had been a public speaker to a group of nearly 100 police cadets about her abuse back in the late 90's,

You can listen to Denia Mendenhall in her own words by clicking here and decide for yourself whether or not she is speaking of her own accord:

Munford's claim here is totally false.  No one had to convince Denia Mendenhall to say anything.  She had already been saying it for years. 

Munford claims that the allegations were published because his opposition "can't get traction from the issues."  But nothing could be further from the truth,  Not only has his opposition gained a great deal of traction on opposition to his rulings barring parents from reasonable child discipline, and from his order stripping a gun owner who was not accused of any wrong doing, of his second amendment rights, but the allegations themselves are key issues.  Munford is running for family court judge, which is directly related to the issue of spousal abuse as well as judicial temperament.

Finally Munford's video fails to explain how it could be that his ex-wife's claims were so similar to those reflected in the statements Terry Munford has told her close friend Chris Arrington.  The similarities in these statements is beyond coincidence, yet Munford fails to address this.  How could two people who do not know each other and live hundreds of miles apart, give such similar accounts?

Munford's video denial is too little too late.  It is filled with false claims and does not really respond to the true facts of the matter.

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